# # Copyright (c) 2001 Bizar Software Pty Ltd (http://www.bizarsoftware.com.au/) # This module is free software, and you may redistribute it and/or modify # under the same terms as Python, so long as this copyright message and # disclaimer are retained in their original form. # # IN NO EVENT SHALL BIZAR SOFTWARE PTY LTD BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR # DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING # OUT OF THE USE OF THIS CODE, EVEN IF THE AUTHOR HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # BIZAR SOFTWARE PTY LTD SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, # BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE CODE PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS ON AN "AS IS" # BASIS, AND THERE IS NO OBLIGATION WHATSOEVER TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, # SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. # """Extending hyperdb with types specific to issue-tracking. """ __docformat__ = 'restructuredtext' import re, os, smtplib, socket, time, random import cStringIO, base64, mimetypes import os.path import logging from email import Encoders from email.Utils import formataddr from email.Header import Header from email.MIMEText import MIMEText from email.MIMEBase import MIMEBase from email.MIMEMultipart import MIMEMultipart from anypy.email_ import FeedParser from roundup import password, date, hyperdb from roundup.i18n import _ from roundup.hyperdb import iter_roles from roundup.mailer import Mailer, MessageSendError, encode_quopri, \ nice_sender_header try: import pyme, pyme.core # gpgme_check_version() must have been called once in a programm # to initialise some subsystems of gpgme. # See the gpgme documentation (at least from v1.1.6 to 1.3.1, e.g. # http://gnupg.org/documentation/manuals/gpgme/Library-Version-Check.html) # This is not done by pyme (at least v0.7.0 - 0.8.1). So we do it here. # FIXME: Make sure it is done only once (the gpgme documentation does # not tell if calling this several times has drawbacks). pyme.core.check_version(None) except ImportError: pyme = None class Database: # remember the journal uid for the current journaltag so that: # a. we don't have to look it up every time we need it, and # b. if the journaltag disappears during a transaction, we don't barf # (eg. the current user edits their username) journal_uid = None def getuid(self): """Return the id of the "user" node associated with the user that owns this connection to the hyperdatabase.""" if self.journaltag is None: return None elif self.journaltag == 'admin': # admin user may not exist, but always has ID 1 return '1' else: if (self.journal_uid is None or self.journal_uid[0] != self.journaltag): uid = self.user.lookup(self.journaltag) self.journal_uid = (self.journaltag, uid) return self.journal_uid[1] def setCurrentUser(self, username): """Set the user that is responsible for current database activities. """ self.journaltag = username def isCurrentUser(self, username): """Check if a given username equals the already active user. """ return self.journaltag == username def getUserTimezone(self): """Return user timezone defined in 'timezone' property of user class. If no such property exists return 0 """ userid = self.getuid() timezone = None try: tz = self.user.get(userid, 'timezone') date.get_timezone(tz) timezone = tz except KeyError: pass # If there is no class 'user' or current user doesn't have timezone # property or that property is not set assume he/she lives in # the timezone set in the tracker config. if timezone is None: timezone = self.config['TIMEZONE'] return timezone def confirm_registration(self, otk): props = self.getOTKManager().getall(otk) for propname, proptype in self.user.getprops().items(): value = props.get(propname, None) if value is None: pass elif isinstance(proptype, hyperdb.Date): props[propname] = date.Date(value) elif isinstance(proptype, hyperdb.Interval): props[propname] = date.Interval(value) elif isinstance(proptype, hyperdb.Password): props[propname] = password.Password(encrypted=value) # tag new user creation with 'admin' self.journaltag = 'admin' # create the new user cl = self.user props['roles'] = self.config.NEW_WEB_USER_ROLES userid = cl.create(**props) # clear the props from the otk database self.getOTKManager().destroy(otk) self.commit() return userid def log_debug(self, msg, *args, **kwargs): """Log a message with level DEBUG.""" logger = self.get_logger() logger.debug(msg, *args, **kwargs) def log_info(self, msg, *args, **kwargs): """Log a message with level INFO.""" logger = self.get_logger() logger.info(msg, *args, **kwargs) def get_logger(self): """Return the logger for this database.""" # Because getting a logger requires acquiring a lock, we want # to do it only once. if not hasattr(self, '__logger'): self.__logger = logging.getLogger('roundup.hyperdb') return self.__logger def clearCache(self): """ Backends may keep a cache. It must be cleared at end of commit and rollback methods. We allow to register user-defined cache-clearing routines that are called by this routine. """ if getattr (self, 'cache_callbacks', None) : for method, param in self.cache_callbacks: method(param) def registerClearCacheCallback(self, method, param = None): """ Register a callback method for clearing the cache. It is called with the given param as the only parameter. Even if the parameter is not specified, the method has to accept a single parameter. """ if not getattr (self, 'cache_callbacks', None) : self.cache_callbacks = [] self.cache_callbacks.append ((method, param)) class DetectorError(RuntimeError): """ Raised by detectors that want to indicate that something's amiss """ pass # deviation from spec - was called IssueClass class IssueClass: """This class is intended to be mixed-in with a hyperdb backend implementation. The backend should provide a mechanism that enforces the title, messages, files, nosy and superseder properties: - title = hyperdb.String(indexme='yes') - messages = hyperdb.Multilink("msg") - files = hyperdb.Multilink("file") - nosy = hyperdb.Multilink("user") - superseder = hyperdb.Multilink(classname) """ # The tuple below does not affect the class definition. # It just lists all names of all issue properties # marked for message extraction tool. # # XXX is there better way to get property names into message catalog?? # # Note that this list also includes properties # defined in the classic template: # assignedto, keyword, priority, status. ( ''"title", ''"messages", ''"files", ''"nosy", ''"superseder", ''"assignedto", ''"keyword", ''"priority", ''"status", # following properties are common for all hyperdb classes # they are listed here to keep things in one place ''"actor", ''"activity", ''"creator", ''"creation", ) # New methods: def addmessage(self, issueid, summary, text): """Add a message to an issue's mail spool. A new "msg" node is constructed using the current date, the user that owns the database connection as the author, and the specified summary text. The "files" and "recipients" fields are left empty. The given text is saved as the body of the message and the node is appended to the "messages" field of the specified issue. """ def nosymessage(self, issueid, msgid, oldvalues, whichnosy='nosy', from_address=None, cc=[], bcc=[], cc_emails = [], bcc_emails = []): """Send a message to the members of an issue's nosy list. The message is sent only to users on the nosy list who are not already on the "recipients" list for the message. These users are then added to the message's "recipients" list. If 'msgid' is None, the message gets sent only to the nosy list, and it's called a 'System Message'. The "cc" argument indicates additional recipients to send the message to that may not be specified in the message's recipients list. The "bcc" argument also indicates additional recipients to send the message to that may not be specified in the message's recipients list. These recipients will not be included in the To: or Cc: address lists. Note that the list of bcc users *is* updated in the recipient list of the message, so this field has to be protected (using appropriate permissions), otherwise the bcc will be decuceable for users who have web access to the tracker. The cc_emails and bcc_emails arguments take a list of additional recipient email addresses (just the mail address not roundup users) this can be useful for sending to additional email addresses which are no roundup users. These arguments are currently not used by roundups nosyreaction but can be used by customized (nosy-)reactors. A note on encryption: If pgp encryption for outgoing mails is turned on in the configuration and no specific pgp roles are defined, we try to send encrypted mail to *all* users *including* cc, bcc, cc_emails and bcc_emails and this might fail if not all the keys are available in roundups keyring. """ encrypt = self.db.config.PGP_ENABLE and self.db.config.PGP_ENCRYPT pgproles = self.db.config.PGP_ROLES if msgid: authid = self.db.msg.get(msgid, 'author') recipients = self.db.msg.get(msgid, 'recipients', []) else: # "system message" authid = None recipients = [] sendto = dict (plain = [], crypt = []) bcc_sendto = dict (plain = [], crypt = []) seen_message = {} for recipient in recipients: seen_message[recipient] = 1 def add_recipient(userid, to): """ make sure they have an address """ address = self.db.user.get(userid, 'address') if address: ciphered = encrypt and (not pgproles or self.db.user.has_role(userid, *iter_roles(pgproles))) type = ['plain', 'crypt'][ciphered] to[type].append(address) recipients.append(userid) def good_recipient(userid): """ Make sure we don't send mail to either the anonymous user or a user who has already seen the message. Also check permissions on the message if not a system message: A user must have view permission on content and files to be on the receiver list. We do *not* check the author etc. for now. """ allowed = True if msgid: for prop in 'content', 'files': if prop in self.db.msg.properties: allowed = allowed and self.db.security.hasPermission( 'View', userid, 'msg', prop, msgid) return (userid and (self.db.user.get(userid, 'username') != 'anonymous') and allowed and not seen_message.has_key(userid)) # possibly send the message to the author, as long as they aren't # anonymous if (good_recipient(authid) and (self.db.config.MESSAGES_TO_AUTHOR == 'yes' or (self.db.config.MESSAGES_TO_AUTHOR == 'new' and not oldvalues) or (self.db.config.MESSAGES_TO_AUTHOR == 'nosy' and authid in self.get(issueid, whichnosy)))): add_recipient(authid, sendto) if authid: seen_message[authid] = 1 # now deal with the nosy and cc people who weren't recipients. for userid in cc + self.get(issueid, whichnosy): if good_recipient(userid): add_recipient(userid, sendto) if encrypt and not pgproles: sendto['crypt'].extend (cc_emails) else: sendto['plain'].extend (cc_emails) # now deal with bcc people. for userid in bcc: if good_recipient(userid): add_recipient(userid, bcc_sendto) if encrypt and not pgproles: bcc_sendto['crypt'].extend (bcc_emails) else: bcc_sendto['plain'].extend (bcc_emails) if oldvalues: note = self.generateChangeNote(issueid, oldvalues) else: note = self.generateCreateNote(issueid) # If we have new recipients, update the message's recipients # and send the mail. if sendto['plain'] or sendto['crypt']: # update msgid and recipients only if non-bcc have changed if msgid is not None: self.db.msg.set(msgid, recipients=recipients) if sendto['plain'] or bcc_sendto['plain']: self.send_message(issueid, msgid, note, sendto['plain'], from_address, bcc_sendto['plain']) if sendto['crypt'] or bcc_sendto['crypt']: self.send_message(issueid, msgid, note, sendto['crypt'], from_address, bcc_sendto['crypt'], crypt=True) # backwards compatibility - don't remove sendmessage = nosymessage def encrypt_to(self, message, sendto): """ Encrypt given message to sendto receivers. Returns a new RFC 3156 conforming message. """ plain = pyme.core.Data(message.as_string()) cipher = pyme.core.Data() ctx = pyme.core.Context() ctx.set_armor(1) keys = [] for adr in sendto: ctx.op_keylist_start(adr, 0) # only first key per email k = ctx.op_keylist_next() if k is not None: keys.append(k) else: msg = _('No key for "%(adr)s" in keyring')%locals() raise MessageSendError, msg ctx.op_keylist_end() ctx.op_encrypt(keys, 1, plain, cipher) cipher.seek(0,0) msg = MIMEMultipart('encrypted', boundary=None, _subparts=None, protocol="application/pgp-encrypted") part = MIMEBase('application', 'pgp-encrypted') part.set_payload("Version: 1\r\n") msg.attach(part) part = MIMEBase('application', 'octet-stream') part.set_payload(cipher.read()) msg.attach(part) return msg def send_message(self, issueid, msgid, note, sendto, from_address=None, bcc_sendto=[], crypt=False): '''Actually send the nominated message from this issue to the sendto recipients, with the note appended. ''' users = self.db.user messages = self.db.msg files = self.db.file if msgid is None: inreplyto = None messageid = None else: inreplyto = messages.get(msgid, 'inreplyto') messageid = messages.get(msgid, 'messageid') # make up a messageid if there isn't one (web edit) if not messageid: # this is an old message that didn't get a messageid, so # create one messageid = "<%s.%s.%s%s@%s>"%(time.time(), random.random(), self.classname, issueid, self.db.config.MAIL_DOMAIN) if msgid is not None: messages.set(msgid, messageid=messageid) # compose title cn = self.classname title = self.get(issueid, 'title') or '%s message copy'%cn # figure author information if msgid: authid = messages.get(msgid, 'author') else: authid = self.db.getuid() authname = users.get(authid, 'realname') if not authname: authname = users.get(authid, 'username', '') authaddr = users.get(authid, 'address', '') if authaddr and self.db.config.MAIL_ADD_AUTHOREMAIL: authaddr = " <%s>" % formataddr( ('',authaddr) ) elif authaddr: authaddr = "" # make the message body m = [''] # put in roundup's signature if self.db.config.EMAIL_SIGNATURE_POSITION == 'top': m.append(self.email_signature(issueid, msgid)) # add author information if authid and self.db.config.MAIL_ADD_AUTHORINFO: if msgid and len(self.get(issueid, 'messages')) == 1: m.append(_("New submission from %(authname)s%(authaddr)s:") % locals()) elif msgid: m.append(_("%(authname)s%(authaddr)s added the comment:") % locals()) else: m.append(_("Change by %(authname)s%(authaddr)s:") % locals()) m.append('') # add the content if msgid is not None: m.append(messages.get(msgid, 'content', '')) # get the files for this message message_files = [] if msgid : for fileid in messages.get(msgid, 'files') : # check the attachment size filesize = self.db.filesize('file', fileid, None) if filesize <= self.db.config.NOSY_MAX_ATTACHMENT_SIZE: message_files.append(fileid) else: base = self.db.config.TRACKER_WEB link = "".join((base, files.classname, fileid)) filename = files.get(fileid, 'name') m.append(_("File '%(filename)s' not attached - " "you can download it from %(link)s.") % locals()) # add the change note if note: m.append(note) # put in roundup's signature if self.db.config.EMAIL_SIGNATURE_POSITION == 'bottom': m.append(self.email_signature(issueid, msgid)) # figure the encoding charset = getattr(self.db.config, 'EMAIL_CHARSET', 'utf-8') # construct the content and convert to unicode object body = unicode('\n'.join(m), 'utf-8').encode(charset) # make sure the To line is always the same (for testing mostly) sendto.sort() # make sure we have a from address if from_address is None: from_address = self.db.config.TRACKER_EMAIL # additional bit for after the From: "name" from_tag = getattr(self.db.config, 'EMAIL_FROM_TAG', '') if from_tag: from_tag = ' ' + from_tag subject = '[%s%s] %s'%(cn, issueid, title) author = (authname + from_tag, from_address) # send an individual message per recipient? if self.db.config.NOSY_EMAIL_SENDING != 'single': sendto = [[address] for address in sendto] else: sendto = [sendto] # tracker sender info tracker_name = unicode(self.db.config.TRACKER_NAME, 'utf-8') tracker_name = nice_sender_header(tracker_name, from_address, charset) # now send one or more messages # TODO: I believe we have to create a new message each time as we # can't fiddle the recipients in the message ... worth testing # and/or fixing some day first = True for sendto in sendto: # create the message mailer = Mailer(self.db.config) message = mailer.get_standard_message(multipart=message_files) # set in-reply-to to the tracker message['In-Reply-To'] = tracker_name # message ids if messageid: message['Message-Id'] = messageid if authaddr or from_address: message['Reply-To'] = authaddr or from_address # Generate a header for each link or multilink to # a class that has a name attribute for propname, prop in self.getprops().items(): if not isinstance(prop, (hyperdb.Link, hyperdb.Multilink)): continue cl = self.db.getclass(prop.classname) if not 'name' in cl.getprops(): continue if isinstance(prop, hyperdb.Link): value = self.get(issueid, propname) if value is None: continue values = [value] else: values = self.get(issueid, propname) if not values: continue values = [cl.get(v, 'name') for v in values] values = ', '.join(values) header = "X-Roundup-%s-%s"%(self.classname, propname) try: message[header] = values.encode('ascii') except UnicodeError: message[header] = Header(values, charset) # attach files if message_files: # first up the text as a part part = MIMEText(body) part.set_charset(charset) encode_quopri(part) message.attach(part) for fileid in message_files: name = files.get(fileid, 'name') mime_type = files.get(fileid, 'type') content = files.get(fileid, 'content') if mime_type == 'text/plain': try: content.decode('ascii') except UnicodeError: # the content cannot be 7bit-encoded. # use quoted printable # XXX stuffed if we know the charset though :( part = MIMEText(content) encode_quopri(part) else: part = MIMEText(content) part['Content-Transfer-Encoding'] = '7bit' elif mime_type == 'message/rfc822': main, sub = mime_type.split('/') p = FeedParser() p.feed(content) part = MIMEBase(main, sub) part.set_payload([p.close()]) else: # some other type, so encode it if not mime_type: # this should have been done when the file was saved mime_type = mimetypes.guess_type(name)[0] if mime_type is None: mime_type = 'application/octet-stream' main, sub = mime_type.split('/') part = MIMEBase(main, sub) part.set_payload(content) Encoders.encode_base64(part) cd = 'Content-Disposition' part[cd] = 'attachment;\n filename="%s"'%name message.attach(part) else: message.set_payload(body) encode_quopri(message) if crypt: send_msg = self.encrypt_to (message, sendto) else: send_msg = message mailer.set_message_attributes(send_msg, sendto, subject, author) mailer.smtp_send(sendto, send_msg.as_string()) if first: if crypt: # send individual bcc mails, otherwise receivers can # deduce bcc recipients from keys in message for bcc in bcc_sendto: send_msg = self.encrypt_to (message, [bcc]) send_msg ['Message-Id'] = message ['Message-Id'] send_msg ['Reply-To'] = message ['Reply-To'] if message.get ('In-Reply-To'): send_msg ['In-Reply-To'] = message ['In-Reply-To'] mailer.smtp_send([bcc], send_msg.as_string()) elif bcc_sendto: mailer.smtp_send(bcc_sendto, send_msg.as_string()) first = False def email_signature(self, issueid, msgid): ''' Add a signature to the e-mail with some useful information ''' # simplistic check to see if the url is valid, # then append a trailing slash if it is missing base = self.db.config.TRACKER_WEB if (not isinstance(base , type('')) or not (base.startswith('http://') or base.startswith('https://'))): web = "Configuration Error: TRACKER_WEB isn't a " \ "fully-qualified URL" else: if not base.endswith('/'): base = base + '/' web = base + self.classname + issueid # ensure the email address is properly quoted email = formataddr((self.db.config.TRACKER_NAME, self.db.config.TRACKER_EMAIL)) line = '_' * max(len(web)+2, len(email)) return '\n%s\n%s\n<%s>\n%s'%(line, email, web, line) def generateCreateNote(self, issueid): """Generate a create note that lists initial property values """ cn = self.classname cl = self.db.classes[cn] props = cl.getprops(protected=0) # list the values m = [] prop_items = props.items() prop_items.sort() for propname, prop in prop_items: value = cl.get(issueid, propname, None) # skip boring entries if not value: continue if isinstance(prop, hyperdb.Link): link = self.db.classes[prop.classname] if value: key = link.labelprop(default_to_id=1) if key: value = link.get(value, key) else: value = '' elif isinstance(prop, hyperdb.Multilink): if value is None: value = [] l = [] link = self.db.classes[prop.classname] key = link.labelprop(default_to_id=1) if key: value = [link.get(entry, key) for entry in value] value.sort() value = ', '.join(value) else: value = str(value) if '\n' in value: value = '\n'+self.indentChangeNoteValue(value) m.append('%s: %s'%(propname, value)) m.insert(0, '----------') m.insert(0, '') return '\n'.join(m) def generateChangeNote(self, issueid, oldvalues): """Generate a change note that lists property changes """ if not isinstance(oldvalues, type({})): raise TypeError("'oldvalues' must be dict-like, not %s."% type(oldvalues)) cn = self.classname cl = self.db.classes[cn] changed = {} props = cl.getprops(protected=0) # determine what changed for key in oldvalues.keys(): if key in ['files','messages']: continue if key in ('actor', 'activity', 'creator', 'creation'): continue # not all keys from oldvalues might be available in database # this happens when property was deleted try: new_value = cl.get(issueid, key) except KeyError: continue # the old value might be non existent # this happens when property was added try: old_value = oldvalues[key] if type(new_value) is type([]): new_value.sort() old_value.sort() if new_value != old_value: changed[key] = old_value except: changed[key] = new_value # list the changes m = [] changed_items = changed.items() changed_items.sort() for propname, oldvalue in changed_items: prop = props[propname] value = cl.get(issueid, propname, None) if isinstance(prop, hyperdb.Link): link = self.db.classes[prop.classname] key = link.labelprop(default_to_id=1) if key: if value: value = link.get(value, key) else: value = '' if oldvalue: oldvalue = link.get(oldvalue, key) else: oldvalue = '' change = '%s -> %s'%(oldvalue, value) elif isinstance(prop, hyperdb.Multilink): change = '' if value is None: value = [] if oldvalue is None: oldvalue = [] l = [] link = self.db.classes[prop.classname] key = link.labelprop(default_to_id=1) # check for additions for entry in value: if entry in oldvalue: continue if key: l.append(link.get(entry, key)) else: l.append(entry) if l: l.sort() change = '+%s'%(', '.join(l)) l = [] # check for removals for entry in oldvalue: if entry in value: continue if key: l.append(link.get(entry, key)) else: l.append(entry) if l: l.sort() change += ' -%s'%(', '.join(l)) else: change = '%s -> %s'%(oldvalue, value) if '\n' in change: value = self.indentChangeNoteValue(str(value)) oldvalue = self.indentChangeNoteValue(str(oldvalue)) change = _('\nNow:\n%(new)s\nWas:\n%(old)s') % { "new": value, "old": oldvalue} m.append('%s: %s'%(propname, change)) if m: m.insert(0, '----------') m.insert(0, '') return '\n'.join(m) def indentChangeNoteValue(self, text): lines = text.rstrip('\n').split('\n') lines = [ ' '+line for line in lines ] return '\n'.join(lines) # vim: set filetype=python sts=4 sw=4 et si :