"""Implements the API used in the HTML templating for the web interface. """ todo = """ - Document parameters to Template.render() method - Add tests for Loader.load() method - Most methods should have a "default" arg to supply a value when none appears in the hyperdb or request. - Multilink property additions: change_note and new_upload - Add class.find() too - NumberHTMLProperty should support numeric operations - LinkHTMLProperty should handle comparisons to strings (cf. linked name) - HTMLRequest.default(self, sort, group, filter, columns, **filterspec): '''Set the request's view arguments to the given values when no values are found in the CGI environment. ''' - have menu() methods accept filtering arguments """ __docformat__ = 'restructuredtext' import cgi, urllib, re, os.path, mimetypes, csv import calendar, textwrap from roundup import hyperdb, date, support from roundup import i18n from roundup.i18n import _ from KeywordsExpr import render_keywords_expression_editor try: import cPickle as pickle except ImportError: import pickle try: import cStringIO as StringIO except ImportError: import StringIO try: from StructuredText.StructuredText import HTML as StructuredText except ImportError: try: # older version import StructuredText except ImportError: StructuredText = None try: from docutils.core import publish_parts as ReStructuredText except ImportError: ReStructuredText = None # bring in the templating support from roundup.cgi import TranslationService, ZTUtils ### i18n services # this global translation service is not thread-safe. # it is left here for backward compatibility # until all Web UI translations are done via client.translator object translationService = TranslationService.get_translation() ### templating class NoTemplate(Exception): pass class Unauthorised(Exception): def __init__(self, action, klass, translator=None): self.action = action self.klass = klass if translator: self._ = translator.gettext else: self._ = TranslationService.get_translation().gettext def __str__(self): return self._('You are not allowed to %(action)s ' 'items of class %(class)s') % { 'action': self.action, 'class': self.klass} # --- Template Loader API class LoaderBase: """ Base for engine-specific template Loader class.""" def __init__(self, dir): # loaders are given the template directory as a first argument pass def precompile(self): """ This method may be called when tracker is loaded to precompile templates that support this ability. """ pass def load(self, tplname): """ Load template and return template object with render() method. "tplname" is a template name. For filesystem loaders it is a filename without extensions, typically in the "classname.view" format. """ raise NotImplementedError def check(self, name): """ Check if template with the given name exists. Should return false if template can not be found. """ raise NotImplementedError class TALLoaderBase(LoaderBase): """ Common methods for the legacy TAL loaders.""" def __init__(self, dir): self.dir = dir def _find(self, name): """ Find template, return full path and filename of the template if it is found, None otherwise.""" for extension in ['', '.html', '.xml']: f = name + extension src = os.path.join(self.dir, f) if os.path.exists(src): return (src, f) def check(self, name): return bool(self._find(name)) def precompile(self): """ Precompile templates in load directory by loading them """ for filename in os.listdir(self.dir): # skip subdirs if os.path.isdir(filename): continue # skip files without ".html" or ".xml" extension - .css, .js etc. for extension in '.html', '.xml': if filename.endswith(extension): break else: continue # remove extension filename = filename[:-len(extension)] self.load(filename) def __getitem__(self, name): """Special method to access templates by loader['name']""" try: return self.load(name) except NoTemplate, message: raise KeyError, message class MultiLoader(LoaderBase): def __init__(self): self.loaders = [] def add_loader(self, loader): self.loaders.append(loader) def check(self, name): for l in self.loaders: if l.check(name): return True def load(self, name): for l in self.loaders: if l.check(name): return l.load(name) def __getitem__(self, name): """Needed for TAL templates compatibility""" # [ ] document root and helper templates try: return self.load(name) except NoTemplate, message: raise KeyError, message class TemplateBase: content_type = 'text/html' def get_loader(dir, template_engine): # Support for multiple engines using fallback mechanizm # meaning that if first engine can't find template, we # use the second engines = template_engine.split(',') engines = [x.strip() for x in engines] ml = MultiLoader() for engine_name in engines: if engine_name == 'chameleon': from engine_chameleon import Loader elif engine_name == 'jinja2': from engine_jinja2 import Jinja2Loader as Loader elif engine_name == 'zopetal': from engine_zopetal import Loader else: raise Exception('Unknown template engine "%s"' % engine_name) ml.add_loader(Loader(dir)) if len(engines) == 1: return ml.loaders[0] else: return ml # --/ Template Loader API def context(client, template=None, classname=None, request=None): """Return the rendering context dictionary The dictionary includes following symbols: *context* this is one of three things: 1. None - we're viewing a "home" page 2. The current class of item being displayed. This is an HTMLClass instance. 3. The current item from the database, if we're viewing a specific item, as an HTMLItem instance. *request* Includes information about the current request, including: - the url - the current index information (``filterspec``, ``filter`` args, ``properties``, etc) parsed out of the form. - methods for easy filterspec link generation - *user*, the current user node as an HTMLItem instance - *form*, the current CGI form information as a FieldStorage *config* The current tracker config. *db* The current database, used to access arbitrary database items. *utils* This is an instance of client.instance.TemplatingUtils, which is optionally defined in the tracker interfaces module and defaults to TemplatingUtils class in this file. *templates* Access to all the tracker templates by name. Used mainly in *use-macro* commands. *template* Current rendering template. *true* Logical True value. *false* Logical False value. *i18n* Internationalization service, providing string translation methods ``gettext`` and ``ngettext``. """ # if template, classname and/or request are not passed explicitely, # compute form client if template is None: template = client.template if classname is None: classname = client.classname if request is None: request = HTMLRequest(client) c = { 'context': None, 'options': {}, 'nothing': None, 'request': request, 'db': HTMLDatabase(client), 'config': client.instance.config, 'tracker': client.instance, 'utils': client.instance.TemplatingUtils(client), 'templates': client.instance.templates, 'template': template, 'true': 1, 'false': 0, 'i18n': client.translator } # add in the item if there is one if client.nodeid: c['context'] = HTMLItem(client, classname, client.nodeid, anonymous=1) elif client.db.classes.has_key(classname): c['context'] = HTMLClass(client, classname, anonymous=1) return c class HTMLDatabase: """ Return HTMLClasses for valid class fetches """ def __init__(self, client): self._client = client self._ = client._ self._db = client.db # we want config to be exposed self.config = client.db.config def __getitem__(self, item, desre=re.compile(r'(?P[a-zA-Z_]+)(?P[-\d]+)')): # check to see if we're actually accessing an item m = desre.match(item) if m: cl = m.group('cl') self._client.db.getclass(cl) return HTMLItem(self._client, cl, m.group('id')) else: self._client.db.getclass(item) return HTMLClass(self._client, item) def __getattr__(self, attr): try: return self[attr] except KeyError: raise AttributeError, attr def classes(self): l = self._client.db.classes.keys() l.sort() m = [] for item in l: m.append(HTMLClass(self._client, item)) return m num_re = re.compile('^-?\d+$') def lookupIds(db, prop, ids, fail_ok=0, num_re=num_re, do_lookup=True): """ "fail_ok" should be specified if we wish to pass through bad values (most likely form values that we wish to represent back to the user) "do_lookup" is there for preventing lookup by key-value (if we know that the value passed *is* an id) """ cl = db.getclass(prop.classname) l = [] for entry in ids: if do_lookup: try: item = cl.lookup(entry) except (TypeError, KeyError): pass else: l.append(item) continue # if fail_ok, ignore lookup error # otherwise entry must be existing object id rather than key value if fail_ok or num_re.match(entry): l.append(entry) return l def lookupKeys(linkcl, key, ids, num_re=num_re): """ Look up the "key" values for "ids" list - though some may already be key values, not ids. """ l = [] for entry in ids: if num_re.match(entry): label = linkcl.get(entry, key) # fall back to designator if label is None if label is None: label = '%s%s'%(linkcl.classname, entry) l.append(label) else: l.append(entry) return l def _set_input_default_args(dic): # 'text' is the default value anyway -- # but for CSS usage it should be present dic.setdefault('type', 'text') # useful e.g for HTML LABELs: if not dic.has_key('id'): try: if dic['text'] in ('radio', 'checkbox'): dic['id'] = '%(name)s-%(value)s' % dic else: dic['id'] = dic['name'] except KeyError: pass def cgi_escape_attrs(**attrs): return ' '.join(['%s="%s"'%(k,cgi.escape(str(v), True)) for k,v in attrs.items()]) def input_html4(**attrs): """Generate an 'input' (html4) element with given attributes""" _set_input_default_args(attrs) return ''%cgi_escape_attrs(**attrs) def input_xhtml(**attrs): """Generate an 'input' (xhtml) element with given attributes""" _set_input_default_args(attrs) return ''%cgi_escape_attrs(**attrs) class HTMLInputMixin: """ requires a _client property """ def __init__(self): html_version = 'html4' if hasattr(self._client.instance.config, 'HTML_VERSION'): html_version = self._client.instance.config.HTML_VERSION if html_version == 'xhtml': self.input = input_xhtml else: self.input = input_html4 # self._context is used for translations. # will be initialized by the first call to .gettext() self._context = None def gettext(self, msgid): """Return the localized translation of msgid""" if self._context is None: self._context = context(self._client) return self._client.translator.translate(domain="roundup", msgid=msgid, context=self._context) _ = gettext class HTMLPermissions: def view_check(self): """ Raise the Unauthorised exception if the user's not permitted to view this class. """ if not self.is_view_ok(): raise Unauthorised("view", self._classname, translator=self._client.translator) def edit_check(self): """ Raise the Unauthorised exception if the user's not permitted to edit items of this class. """ if not self.is_edit_ok(): raise Unauthorised("edit", self._classname, translator=self._client.translator) def retire_check(self): """ Raise the Unauthorised exception if the user's not permitted to retire items of this class. """ if not self.is_retire_ok(): raise Unauthorised("retire", self._classname, translator=self._client.translator) class HTMLClass(HTMLInputMixin, HTMLPermissions): """ Accesses through a class (either through *class* or *db.*) """ def __init__(self, client, classname, anonymous=0): self._client = client self._ = client._ self._db = client.db self._anonymous = anonymous # we want classname to be exposed, but _classname gives a # consistent API for extending Class/Item self._classname = self.classname = classname self._klass = self._db.getclass(self.classname) self._props = self._klass.getprops() HTMLInputMixin.__init__(self) def is_edit_ok(self): """ Is the user allowed to Create the current class? """ perm = self._db.security.hasPermission return perm('Web Access', self._client.userid) and perm('Create', self._client.userid, self._classname) def is_retire_ok(self): """ Is the user allowed to retire items of the current class? """ perm = self._db.security.hasPermission return perm('Web Access', self._client.userid) and perm('Retire', self._client.userid, self._classname) def is_view_ok(self): """ Is the user allowed to View the current class? """ perm = self._db.security.hasPermission return perm('Web Access', self._client.userid) and perm('View', self._client.userid, self._classname) def is_only_view_ok(self): """ Is the user only allowed to View (ie. not Create) the current class? """ return self.is_view_ok() and not self.is_edit_ok() def __repr__(self): return ''%(id(self), self.classname) def __getitem__(self, item): """ return an HTMLProperty instance """ # we don't exist if item == 'id': return None # get the property try: prop = self._props[item] except KeyError: raise KeyError, 'No such property "%s" on %s'%(item, self.classname) # look up the correct HTMLProperty class form = self._client.form for klass, htmlklass in propclasses: if not isinstance(prop, klass): continue value = prop.get_default_value() return htmlklass(self._client, self._classname, None, prop, item, value, self._anonymous) # no good raise KeyError, item def __getattr__(self, attr): """ convenience access """ try: return self[attr] except KeyError: raise AttributeError, attr def designator(self): """ Return this class' designator (classname) """ return self._classname def getItem(self, itemid, num_re=num_re): """ Get an item of this class by its item id. """ # make sure we're looking at an itemid if not isinstance(itemid, type(1)) and not num_re.match(itemid): itemid = self._klass.lookup(itemid) return HTMLItem(self._client, self.classname, itemid) def properties(self, sort=1): """ Return HTMLProperty for all of this class' properties. """ l = [] for name, prop in self._props.items(): for klass, htmlklass in propclasses: if isinstance(prop, klass): value = prop.get_default_value() l.append(htmlklass(self._client, self._classname, '', prop, name, value, self._anonymous)) if sort: l.sort(lambda a,b:cmp(a._name, b._name)) return l def list(self, sort_on=None): """ List all items in this class. """ # get the list and sort it nicely l = self._klass.list() sortfunc = make_sort_function(self._db, self._classname, sort_on) l.sort(sortfunc) # check perms check = self._client.db.security.hasPermission userid = self._client.userid if not check('Web Access', userid): return [] l = [HTMLItem(self._client, self._classname, id) for id in l if check('View', userid, self._classname, itemid=id)] return l def csv(self): """ Return the items of this class as a chunk of CSV text. """ props = self.propnames() s = StringIO.StringIO() writer = csv.writer(s) writer.writerow(props) check = self._client.db.security.hasPermission userid = self._client.userid if not check('Web Access', userid): return '' for nodeid in self._klass.list(): l = [] for name in props: # check permission to view this property on this item if not check('View', userid, itemid=nodeid, classname=self._klass.classname, property=name): raise Unauthorised('view', self._klass.classname, translator=self._client.translator) value = self._klass.get(nodeid, name) if value is None: l.append('') elif isinstance(value, type([])): l.append(':'.join(map(str, value))) else: l.append(str(self._klass.get(nodeid, name))) writer.writerow(l) return s.getvalue() def propnames(self): """ Return the list of the names of the properties of this class. """ idlessprops = self._klass.getprops(protected=0).keys() idlessprops.sort() return ['id'] + idlessprops def filter(self, request=None, filterspec={}, sort=[], group=[]): """ Return a list of items from this class, filtered and sorted by the current requested filterspec/filter/sort/group args "request" takes precedence over the other three arguments. """ security = self._db.security userid = self._client.userid if request is not None: # for a request we asume it has already been # security-filtered filterspec = request.filterspec sort = request.sort group = request.group else: cn = self.classname filterspec = security.filterFilterspec(userid, cn, filterspec) sort = security.filterSortspec(userid, cn, sort) group = security.filterSortspec(userid, cn, group) check = security.hasPermission if not check('Web Access', userid): return [] l = [HTMLItem(self._client, self.classname, id) for id in self._klass.filter(None, filterspec, sort, group) if check('View', userid, self.classname, itemid=id)] return l def classhelp(self, properties=None, label=''"(list)", width='500', height='400', property='', form='itemSynopsis', pagesize=50, inputtype="checkbox", html_kwargs={}, sort=None, filter=None): """Pop up a javascript window with class help This generates a link to a popup window which displays the properties indicated by "properties" of the class named by "classname". The "properties" should be a comma-separated list (eg. 'id,name,description'). Properties defaults to all the properties of a class (excluding id, creator, created and activity). You may optionally override the label displayed, the width, the height, the number of items per page and the field on which the list is sorted (defaults to username if in the displayed properties). With the "filter" arg it is possible to specify a filter for which items are supposed to be displayed. It has to be of the format "=;=;...". The popup window will be resizable and scrollable. If the "property" arg is given, it's passed through to the javascript help_window function. You can use inputtype="radio" to display a radio box instead of the default checkbox (useful for entering Link-properties) If the "form" arg is given, it's passed through to the javascript help_window function. - it's the name of the form the "property" belongs to. """ if properties is None: properties = self._klass.getprops(protected=0).keys() properties.sort() properties = ','.join(properties) if sort is None: if 'username' in properties.split( ',' ): sort = 'username' else: sort = self._klass.orderprop() sort = '&@sort=' + sort if property: property = '&property=%s'%property if form: form = '&form=%s'%form if inputtype: type= '&type=%s'%inputtype if filter: filterprops = filter.split(';') filtervalues = [] names = [] for x in filterprops: (name, values) = x.split('=') names.append(name) filtervalues.append('&%s=%s' % (name, urllib.quote(values))) filter = '&@filter=%s%s' % (','.join(names), ''.join(filtervalues)) else: filter = '' help_url = "%s?@startwith=0&@template=help&"\ "properties=%s%s%s%s%s&@pagesize=%s%s" % \ (self.classname, properties, property, form, type, sort, pagesize, filter) onclick = "javascript:help_window('%s', '%s', '%s');return false;" % \ (help_url, width, height) return '%s' % \ (help_url, onclick, cgi_escape_attrs(**html_kwargs), self._(label)) def submit(self, label=''"Submit New Entry", action="new"): """ Generate a submit button (and action hidden element) Generate nothing if we're not editable. """ if not self.is_edit_ok(): return '' return self.input(type="hidden", name="@action", value=action) + \ '\n' + \ self.input(type="submit", name="submit_button", value=self._(label)) def history(self): if not self.is_view_ok(): return self._('[hidden]') return self._('New node - no history') def renderWith(self, name, **kwargs): """ Render this class with the given template. """ # create a new request and override the specified args req = HTMLRequest(self._client) req.classname = self.classname req.update(kwargs) # new template, using the specified classname and request # [ ] this code is too similar to client.renderContext() tplname = self._client.selectTemplate(self.classname, name) pt = self._client.instance.templates.load(tplname) # use our fabricated request args = { 'ok_message': self._client.ok_message, 'error_message': self._client.error_message } return pt.render(self._client, self.classname, req, **args) class _HTMLItem(HTMLInputMixin, HTMLPermissions): """ Accesses through an *item* """ def __init__(self, client, classname, nodeid, anonymous=0): self._client = client self._db = client.db self._classname = classname self._nodeid = nodeid self._klass = self._db.getclass(classname) self._props = self._klass.getprops() # do we prefix the form items with the item's identification? self._anonymous = anonymous HTMLInputMixin.__init__(self) def is_edit_ok(self): """ Is the user allowed to Edit this item? """ perm = self._db.security.hasPermission return perm('Web Access', self._client.userid) and perm('Edit', self._client.userid, self._classname, itemid=self._nodeid) def is_retire_ok(self): """ Is the user allowed to Reture this item? """ perm = self._db.security.hasPermission return perm('Web Access', self._client.userid) and perm('Retire', self._client.userid, self._classname, itemid=self._nodeid) def is_view_ok(self): """ Is the user allowed to View this item? """ perm = self._db.security.hasPermission if perm('Web Access', self._client.userid) and perm('View', self._client.userid, self._classname, itemid=self._nodeid): return 1 return self.is_edit_ok() def is_only_view_ok(self): """ Is the user only allowed to View (ie. not Edit) this item? """ return self.is_view_ok() and not self.is_edit_ok() def __repr__(self): return ''%(id(self), self._classname, self._nodeid) def __getitem__(self, item): """ return an HTMLProperty instance this now can handle transitive lookups where item is of the form x.y.z """ if item == 'id': return self._nodeid items = item.split('.', 1) has_rest = len(items) > 1 # get the property prop = self._props[items[0]] if has_rest and not isinstance(prop, (hyperdb.Link, hyperdb.Multilink)): raise KeyError, item # get the value, handling missing values value = None if int(self._nodeid) > 0: value = self._klass.get(self._nodeid, items[0], None) if value is None: if isinstance(prop, hyperdb.Multilink): value = [] # look up the correct HTMLProperty class htmlprop = None for klass, htmlklass in propclasses: if isinstance(prop, klass): htmlprop = htmlklass(self._client, self._classname, self._nodeid, prop, items[0], value, self._anonymous) if htmlprop is not None: if has_rest: if isinstance(htmlprop, MultilinkHTMLProperty): return [h[items[1]] for h in htmlprop] return htmlprop[items[1]] return htmlprop raise KeyError, item def __getattr__(self, attr): """ convenience access to properties """ try: return self[attr] except KeyError: raise AttributeError, attr def designator(self): """Return this item's designator (classname + id).""" return '%s%s'%(self._classname, self._nodeid) def is_retired(self): """Is this item retired?""" return self._klass.is_retired(self._nodeid) def submit(self, label=''"Submit Changes", action="edit"): """Generate a submit button. Also sneak in the lastactivity and action hidden elements. """ return self.input(type="hidden", name="@lastactivity", value=self.activity.local(0)) + '\n' + \ self.input(type="hidden", name="@action", value=action) + '\n' + \ self.input(type="submit", name="submit_button", value=self._(label)) def journal(self, direction='descending'): """ Return a list of HTMLJournalEntry instances. """ # XXX do this return [] def history(self, direction='descending', dre=re.compile('^\d+$'), limit=None): if not self.is_view_ok(): return self._('[hidden]') # pre-load the history with the current state current = {} for prop_n in self._props.keys(): prop = self[prop_n] if not isinstance(prop, HTMLProperty): continue current[prop_n] = prop.plain(escape=1) # make link if hrefable if (self._props.has_key(prop_n) and isinstance(self._props[prop_n], hyperdb.Link)): classname = self._props[prop_n].classname try: template = self._client.selectTemplate(classname, 'item') if template.startswith('_generic.'): raise NoTemplate, 'not really...' except NoTemplate: pass else: id = self._klass.get(self._nodeid, prop_n, None) current[prop_n] = '%s'%( classname, id, current[prop_n]) # get the journal, sort and reverse history = self._klass.history(self._nodeid) history.sort() history.reverse() # restrict the volume if limit: history = history[:limit] timezone = self._db.getUserTimezone() l = [] comments = {} for id, evt_date, user, action, args in history: date_s = str(evt_date.local(timezone)).replace("."," ") arg_s = '' if action == 'link' and type(args) == type(()): if len(args) == 3: linkcl, linkid, key = args arg_s += '%s%s %s'%(linkcl, linkid, linkcl, linkid, key) else: arg_s = str(args) elif action == 'unlink' and type(args) == type(()): if len(args) == 3: linkcl, linkid, key = args arg_s += '%s%s %s'%(linkcl, linkid, linkcl, linkid, key) else: arg_s = str(args) elif type(args) == type({}): cell = [] for k in args.keys(): # try to get the relevant property and treat it # specially try: prop = self._props[k] except KeyError: prop = None if prop is None: # property no longer exists comments['no_exist'] = self._( "The indicated property no longer exists") cell.append(self._('%s: %s\n') % (self._(k), str(args[k]))) continue if args[k] and (isinstance(prop, hyperdb.Multilink) or isinstance(prop, hyperdb.Link)): # figure what the link class is classname = prop.classname try: linkcl = self._db.getclass(classname) except KeyError: labelprop = None comments[classname] = self._( "The linked class %(classname)s no longer exists" ) % locals() labelprop = linkcl.labelprop(1) try: template = self._client.selectTemplate(classname, 'item') if template.startswith('_generic.'): raise NoTemplate, 'not really...' hrefable = 1 except NoTemplate: hrefable = 0 if isinstance(prop, hyperdb.Multilink) and args[k]: ml = [] for linkid in args[k]: if isinstance(linkid, type(())): sublabel = linkid[0] + ' ' linkids = linkid[1] else: sublabel = '' linkids = [linkid] subml = [] for linkid in linkids: label = classname + linkid # if we have a label property, try to use it # TODO: test for node existence even when # there's no labelprop! try: if labelprop is not None and \ labelprop != 'id': label = linkcl.get(linkid, labelprop) label = cgi.escape(label) except IndexError: comments['no_link'] = self._( "The linked node" " no longer exists") subml.append('%s'%label) else: if hrefable: subml.append('%s'%( classname, linkid, label)) elif label is None: subml.append('%s%s'%(classname, linkid)) else: subml.append(label) ml.append(sublabel + ', '.join(subml)) cell.append('%s:\n %s'%(self._(k), ', '.join(ml))) elif isinstance(prop, hyperdb.Link) and args[k]: label = classname + args[k] # if we have a label property, try to use it # TODO: test for node existence even when # there's no labelprop! if labelprop is not None and labelprop != 'id': try: label = cgi.escape(linkcl.get(args[k], labelprop)) except IndexError: comments['no_link'] = self._( "The linked node" " no longer exists") cell.append(' %s,\n'%label) # "flag" this is done .... euwww label = None if label is not None: if hrefable: old = '%s'%(classname, args[k], label) else: old = label; cell.append('%s: %s' % (self._(k), old)) if current.has_key(k): cell[-1] += ' -> %s'%current[k] current[k] = old elif isinstance(prop, hyperdb.Date) and args[k]: if args[k] is None: d = '' else: d = date.Date(args[k], translator=self._client).local(timezone) cell.append('%s: %s'%(self._(k), str(d))) if current.has_key(k): cell[-1] += ' -> %s' % current[k] current[k] = str(d) elif isinstance(prop, hyperdb.Interval) and args[k]: val = str(date.Interval(args[k], translator=self._client)) cell.append('%s: %s'%(self._(k), val)) if current.has_key(k): cell[-1] += ' -> %s'%current[k] current[k] = val elif isinstance(prop, hyperdb.String) and args[k]: val = cgi.escape(args[k]) cell.append('%s: %s'%(self._(k), val)) if current.has_key(k): cell[-1] += ' -> %s'%current[k] current[k] = val elif isinstance(prop, hyperdb.Boolean) and args[k] is not None: val = args[k] and ''"Yes" or ''"No" cell.append('%s: %s'%(self._(k), val)) if current.has_key(k): cell[-1] += ' -> %s'%current[k] current[k] = val elif isinstance(prop, hyperdb.Password) and args[k] is not None: val = args[k].dummystr() cell.append('%s: %s'%(self._(k), val)) if current.has_key(k): cell[-1] += ' -> %s'%current[k] current[k] = val elif not args[k]: if current.has_key(k): cell.append('%s: %s'%(self._(k), current[k])) current[k] = '(no value)' else: cell.append(self._('%s: (no value)')%self._(k)) else: cell.append('%s: %s'%(self._(k), str(args[k]))) if current.has_key(k): cell[-1] += ' -> %s'%current[k] current[k] = str(args[k]) arg_s = '
'.join(cell) else: # unkown event!! comments['unknown'] = self._( "This event is not handled" " by the history display!") arg_s = '' + str(args) + '' date_s = date_s.replace(' ', ' ') # if the user's an itemid, figure the username (older journals # have the username) if dre.match(user): user = self._db.user.get(user, 'username') l.append('%s%s%s%s'%( date_s, cgi.escape(user), self._(action), arg_s)) if comments: l.append(self._( 'Note:')) for entry in comments.values(): l.append('%s'%entry) if direction == 'ascending': l.reverse() l[0:0] = ['' '', self._(''), self._(''), self._(''), self._(''), ''] l.append('
', self._('History'), '
') return '\n'.join(l) def renderQueryForm(self): """ Render this item, which is a query, as a search form. """ # create a new request and override the specified args req = HTMLRequest(self._client) req.classname = self._klass.get(self._nodeid, 'klass') name = self._klass.get(self._nodeid, 'name') req.updateFromURL(self._klass.get(self._nodeid, 'url') + '&@queryname=%s'%urllib.quote(name)) # new template, using the specified classname and request # [ ] the custom logic for search page doesn't belong to # generic templating module (techtonik) tplname = self._client.selectTemplate(req.classname, 'search') pt = self._client.instance.templates.load(tplname) # The context for a search page should be the class, not any # node. self._client.nodeid = None # use our fabricated request return pt.render(self._client, req.classname, req) def download_url(self): """ Assume that this item is a FileClass and that it has a name and content. Construct a URL for the download of the content. """ name = self._klass.get(self._nodeid, 'name') url = '%s%s/%s'%(self._classname, self._nodeid, name) return urllib.quote(url) def copy_url(self, exclude=("messages", "files")): """Construct a URL for creating a copy of this item "exclude" is an optional list of properties that should not be copied to the new object. By default, this list includes "messages" and "files" properties. Note that "id" property cannot be copied. """ exclude = ("id", "activity", "actor", "creation", "creator") \ + tuple(exclude) query = { "@template": "item", "@note": self._("Copy of %(class)s %(id)s") % { "class": self._(self._classname), "id": self._nodeid}, } for name in self._props.keys(): if name not in exclude: query[name] = self[name].plain() return self._classname + "?" + "&".join( ["%s=%s" % (key, urllib.quote(value)) for key, value in query.items()]) class _HTMLUser(_HTMLItem): """Add ability to check for permissions on users. """ _marker = [] def hasPermission(self, permission, classname=_marker, property=None, itemid=None): """Determine if the user has the Permission. The class being tested defaults to the template's class, but may be overidden for this test by suppling an alternate classname. """ if classname is self._marker: classname = self._client.classname return self._db.security.hasPermission(permission, self._nodeid, classname, property, itemid) def hasRole(self, *rolenames): """Determine whether the user has any role in rolenames.""" return self._db.user.has_role(self._nodeid, *rolenames) def HTMLItem(client, classname, nodeid, anonymous=0): if classname == 'user': return _HTMLUser(client, classname, nodeid, anonymous) else: return _HTMLItem(client, classname, nodeid, anonymous) class HTMLProperty(HTMLInputMixin, HTMLPermissions): """ String, Number, Date, Interval HTMLProperty Has useful attributes: _name the name of the property _value the value of the property if any A wrapper object which may be stringified for the plain() behaviour. """ def __init__(self, client, classname, nodeid, prop, name, value, anonymous=0): self._client = client self._db = client.db self._ = client._ self._classname = classname self._nodeid = nodeid self._prop = prop self._value = value self._anonymous = anonymous self._name = name if not anonymous: if nodeid: self._formname = '%s%s@%s'%(classname, nodeid, name) else: # This case occurs when creating a property for a # non-anonymous class. self._formname = '%s@%s'%(classname, name) else: self._formname = name # If no value is already present for this property, see if one # is specified in the current form. form = self._client.form if not self._value and form.has_key(self._formname): if isinstance(prop, hyperdb.Multilink): value = lookupIds(self._db, prop, handleListCGIValue(form[self._formname]), fail_ok=1) elif isinstance(prop, hyperdb.Link): value = form.getfirst(self._formname).strip() if value: value = lookupIds(self._db, prop, [value], fail_ok=1)[0] else: value = None else: value = form.getfirst(self._formname).strip() or None self._value = value HTMLInputMixin.__init__(self) def __repr__(self): classname = self.__class__.__name__ return '<%s(0x%x) %s %r %r>'%(classname, id(self), self._formname, self._prop, self._value) def __str__(self): return self.plain() def __cmp__(self, other): if isinstance(other, HTMLProperty): return cmp(self._value, other._value) return cmp(self._value, other) def __nonzero__(self): return not not self._value def isset(self): """Is my _value not None?""" return self._value is not None def is_edit_ok(self): """Should the user be allowed to use an edit form field for this property. Check "Create" for new items, or "Edit" for existing ones. """ perm = self._db.security.hasPermission userid = self._client.userid if self._nodeid: if not perm('Web Access', userid): return False return perm('Edit', userid, self._classname, self._name, self._nodeid) return perm('Create', userid, self._classname, self._name) or \ perm('Register', userid, self._classname, self._name) def is_view_ok(self): """ Is the user allowed to View the current class? """ perm = self._db.security.hasPermission if perm('Web Access', self._client.userid) and perm('View', self._client.userid, self._classname, self._name, self._nodeid): return 1 return self.is_edit_ok() class StringHTMLProperty(HTMLProperty): hyper_re = re.compile(r'''( (?P ( (ht|f)tp(s?):// # protocol ([\w]+(:\w+)?@)? # username/password ([\w\-]+) # hostname ((\.[\w-]+)+)? # .domain.etc | # ... or ... ([\w]+(:\w+)?@)? # username/password www\. # "www." ([\w\-]+\.)+ # hostname [\w]{2,5} # TLD ) (:[\d]{1,5})? # port (/[\w\-$.+!*(),;:@&=?/~\\#%]*)? # path etc. )| (?P[-+=%/\w\.]+@[\w\.\-]+)| (?P(?P[A-Za-z_]+)(\s*)(?P\d+)) )''', re.X | re.I) protocol_re = re.compile('^(ht|f)tp(s?)://', re.I) def _hyper_repl(self, match): if match.group('url'): return self._hyper_repl_url(match, '%s%s') elif match.group('email'): return self._hyper_repl_email(match, '%s') elif len(match.group('id')) < 10: return self._hyper_repl_item(match, '%(item)s') else: # just return the matched text return match.group(0) def _hyper_repl_url(self, match, replacement): u = s = match.group('url') if not self.protocol_re.search(s): u = 'http://' + s end = '' if '>' in s: # catch an escaped ">" in the URL pos = s.find('>') end = s[pos:] u = s = s[:pos] if s.endswith(tuple('.,;:!')): # don't include trailing punctuation end = s[-1:] + end u = s = s[:-1] if ')' in s and s.count('(') != s.count(')'): # don't include extraneous ')' in the link pos = s.rfind(')') end = s[pos:] + end u = s = s[:pos] return replacement % (u, s, end) def _hyper_repl_email(self, match, replacement): s = match.group('email') return replacement % (s, s) def _hyper_repl_item(self, match, replacement): item = match.group('item') cls = match.group('class').lower() id = match.group('id') try: # make sure cls is a valid tracker classname cl = self._db.getclass(cls) if not cl.hasnode(id): return item return replacement % locals() except KeyError: return item def _hyper_repl_rst(self, match): if match.group('url'): s = match.group('url') return '`%s <%s>`_'%(s, s) elif match.group('email'): s = match.group('email') return '`%s `_'%(s, s) elif len(match.group('id')) < 10: return self._hyper_repl_item(match,'`%(item)s <%(cls)s%(id)s>`_') else: # just return the matched text return match.group(0) def hyperlinked(self): """ Render a "hyperlinked" version of the text """ return self.plain(hyperlink=1) def plain(self, escape=0, hyperlink=0): """Render a "plain" representation of the property - "escape" turns on/off HTML quoting - "hyperlink" turns on/off in-text hyperlinking of URLs, email addresses and designators """ if not self.is_view_ok(): return self._('[hidden]') if self._value is None: return '' if escape: s = cgi.escape(str(self._value)) else: s = str(self._value) if hyperlink: # no, we *must* escape this text if not escape: s = cgi.escape(s) s = self.hyper_re.sub(self._hyper_repl, s) return s def wrapped(self, escape=1, hyperlink=1): """Render a "wrapped" representation of the property. We wrap long lines at 80 columns on the nearest whitespace. Lines with no whitespace are not broken to force wrapping. Note that unlike plain() we default wrapped() to have the escaping and hyperlinking turned on since that's the most common usage. - "escape" turns on/off HTML quoting - "hyperlink" turns on/off in-text hyperlinking of URLs, email addresses and designators """ if not self.is_view_ok(): return self._('[hidden]') if self._value is None: return '' s = support.wrap(str(self._value), width=80) if escape: s = cgi.escape(s) if hyperlink: # no, we *must* escape this text if not escape: s = cgi.escape(s) s = self.hyper_re.sub(self._hyper_repl, s) return s def stext(self, escape=0, hyperlink=1): """ Render the value of the property as StructuredText. This requires the StructureText module to be installed separately. """ if not self.is_view_ok(): return self._('[hidden]') s = self.plain(escape=escape, hyperlink=hyperlink) if not StructuredText: return s return StructuredText(s,level=1,header=0) def rst(self, hyperlink=1): """ Render the value of the property as ReStructuredText. This requires docutils to be installed separately. """ if not self.is_view_ok(): return self._('[hidden]') if not ReStructuredText: return self.plain(escape=0, hyperlink=hyperlink) s = self.plain(escape=0, hyperlink=0) if hyperlink: s = self.hyper_re.sub(self._hyper_repl_rst, s) return ReStructuredText(s, writer_name="html")["html_body"].encode("utf-8", "replace") def field(self, **kwargs): """ Render the property as a field in HTML. If not editable, just display the value via plain(). """ if not self.is_edit_ok(): return self.plain(escape=1) value = self._value if value is None: value = '' kwargs.setdefault("size", 30) kwargs.update({"name": self._formname, "value": value}) return self.input(**kwargs) def multiline(self, escape=0, rows=5, cols=40, **kwargs): """ Render a multiline form edit field for the property. If not editable, just display the plain() value in a
        if not self.is_edit_ok():
            return '
'%self.plain() if self._value is None: value = '' else: value = cgi.escape(str(self._value)) value = '"'.join(value.split('"')) name = self._formname passthrough_args = cgi_escape_attrs(**kwargs) return ('') % locals() def email(self, escape=1): """ Render the value of the property as an obscured email address """ if not self.is_view_ok(): return self._('[hidden]') if self._value is None: value = '' else: value = str(self._value) split = value.split('@') if len(split) == 2: name, domain = split domain = ' '.join(domain.split('.')[:-1]) name = name.replace('.', ' ') value = '%s at %s ...'%(name, domain) else: value = value.replace('.', ' ') if escape: value = cgi.escape(value) return value class PasswordHTMLProperty(HTMLProperty): def plain(self, escape=0): """ Render a "plain" representation of the property """ if not self.is_view_ok(): return self._('[hidden]') if self._value is None: return '' value = self._value.dummystr() if escape: value = cgi.escape(value) return value def field(self, size=30, **kwargs): """ Render a form edit field for the property. If not editable, just display the value via plain(). """ if not self.is_edit_ok(): return self.plain(escape=1) return self.input(type="password", name=self._formname, size=size, **kwargs) def confirm(self, size=30): """ Render a second form edit field for the property, used for confirmation that the user typed the password correctly. Generates a field with name "@confirm@name". If not editable, display nothing. """ if not self.is_edit_ok(): return '' return self.input(type="password", name="@confirm@%s"%self._formname, id="%s-confirm"%self._formname, size=size) class NumberHTMLProperty(HTMLProperty): def plain(self, escape=0): """ Render a "plain" representation of the property """ if not self.is_view_ok(): return self._('[hidden]') if self._value is None: return '' return str(self._value) def field(self, size=30, **kwargs): """ Render a form edit field for the property. If not editable, just display the value via plain(). """ if not self.is_edit_ok(): return self.plain(escape=1) value = self._value if value is None: value = '' return self.input(name=self._formname, value=value, size=size, **kwargs) def __int__(self): """ Return an int of me """ return int(self._value) def __float__(self): """ Return a float of me """ return float(self._value) class BooleanHTMLProperty(HTMLProperty): def plain(self, escape=0): """ Render a "plain" representation of the property """ if not self.is_view_ok(): return self._('[hidden]') if self._value is None: return '' return self._value and self._("Yes") or self._("No") def field(self, labelfirst=False, y_label=None, n_label=None, u_label=None, **kwargs): """ Render a form edit field for the property If not editable, just display the value via plain(). In addition to being able to set arbitrary html properties using prop=val arguments, the thre arguments: y_label, n_label, u_label let you control the labels associated with the yes, no (and optionally unknown/empty) values. Also the labels can be placed before the radiobuttons by setting labelfirst=True. """ if not self.is_edit_ok(): return self.plain(escape=1) value = self._value if isinstance(value, str) or isinstance(value, unicode): value = value.strip().lower() in ('checked', 'yes', 'true', 'on', '1') if ( not y_label ): y_label = '' if ( not n_label ): n_label = '' checked = value and "checked" or "" if value: y_rb = self.input(type="radio", name=self._formname, value="yes", checked="checked", id="%s_%s"%(self._formname, 'yes'), **kwargs) n_rb =self.input(type="radio", name=self._formname, value="no", id="%s_%s"%(self._formname, 'no'), **kwargs) else: y_rb = self.input(type="radio", name=self._formname, value="yes", id="%s_%s"%(self._formname, 'yes'), **kwargs) n_rb = self.input(type="radio", name=self._formname, value="no", checked="checked", id="%s_%s"%(self._formname, 'no'), **kwargs) if ( u_label ): if (u_label is True): # it was set via u_label=True u_label = '' # make it empty but a string not boolean u_rb = self.input(type="radio", name=self._formname, value="", id="%s_%s"%(self._formname, 'unk'), **kwargs) else: # don't generate a trivalue radiobutton. u_label = '' u_rb='' if ( labelfirst ): s = u_label + u_rb + y_label + y_rb + n_label + n_rb else: s = u_label + u_rb +y_rb + y_label + n_rb + n_label return s class DateHTMLProperty(HTMLProperty): _marker = [] def __init__(self, client, classname, nodeid, prop, name, value, anonymous=0, offset=None): HTMLProperty.__init__(self, client, classname, nodeid, prop, name, value, anonymous=anonymous) if self._value and not (isinstance(self._value, str) or isinstance(self._value, unicode)): self._value.setTranslator(self._client.translator) self._offset = offset if self._offset is None : self._offset = self._prop.offset (self._db) def plain(self, escape=0): """ Render a "plain" representation of the property """ if not self.is_view_ok(): return self._('[hidden]') if self._value is None: return '' if self._offset is None: offset = self._db.getUserTimezone() else: offset = self._offset return str(self._value.local(offset)) def now(self, str_interval=None): """ Return the current time. This is useful for defaulting a new value. Returns a DateHTMLProperty. """ if not self.is_view_ok(): return self._('[hidden]') ret = date.Date('.', translator=self._client) if isinstance(str_interval, basestring): sign = 1 if str_interval[0] == '-': sign = -1 str_interval = str_interval[1:] interval = date.Interval(str_interval, translator=self._client) if sign > 0: ret = ret + interval else: ret = ret - interval return DateHTMLProperty(self._client, self._classname, self._nodeid, self._prop, self._formname, ret) def field(self, size=30, default=None, format=_marker, popcal=True, **kwargs): """Render a form edit field for the property If not editable, just display the value via plain(). If "popcal" then include the Javascript calendar editor. Default=yes. The format string is a standard python strftime format string. """ if not self.is_edit_ok(): if format is self._marker: return self.plain(escape=1) else: return self.pretty(format) value = self._value if value is None: if default is None: raw_value = None else: if isinstance(default, basestring): raw_value = date.Date(default, translator=self._client) elif isinstance(default, date.Date): raw_value = default elif isinstance(default, DateHTMLProperty): raw_value = default._value else: raise ValueError, self._('default value for ' 'DateHTMLProperty must be either DateHTMLProperty ' 'or string date representation.') elif isinstance(value, str) or isinstance(value, unicode): # most likely erroneous input to be passed back to user if isinstance(value, unicode): value = value.encode('utf8') return self.input(name=self._formname, value=value, size=size, **kwargs) else: raw_value = value if raw_value is None: value = '' elif isinstance(raw_value, str) or isinstance(raw_value, unicode): if format is self._marker: value = raw_value else: value = date.Date(raw_value).pretty(format) else: if self._offset is None : offset = self._db.getUserTimezone() else : offset = self._offset value = raw_value.local(offset) if format is not self._marker: value = value.pretty(format) s = self.input(name=self._formname, value=value, size=size, **kwargs) if popcal: s += self.popcal() return s def reldate(self, pretty=1): """ Render the interval between the date and now. If the "pretty" flag is true, then make the display pretty. """ if not self.is_view_ok(): return self._('[hidden]') if not self._value: return '' # figure the interval interval = self._value - date.Date('.', translator=self._client) if pretty: return interval.pretty() return str(interval) def pretty(self, format=_marker): """ Render the date in a pretty format (eg. month names, spaces). The format string is a standard python strftime format string. Note that if the day is zero, and appears at the start of the string, then it'll be stripped from the output. This is handy for the situation when a date only specifies a month and a year. """ if not self.is_view_ok(): return self._('[hidden]') if self._offset is None: offset = self._db.getUserTimezone() else: offset = self._offset if not self._value: return '' elif format is not self._marker: return self._value.local(offset).pretty(format) else: return self._value.local(offset).pretty() def local(self, offset): """ Return the date/time as a local (timezone offset) date/time. """ if not self.is_view_ok(): return self._('[hidden]') return DateHTMLProperty(self._client, self._classname, self._nodeid, self._prop, self._formname, self._value, offset=offset) def popcal(self, width=300, height=200, label="(cal)", form="itemSynopsis"): """Generate a link to a calendar pop-up window. item: HTMLProperty e.g.: context.deadline """ if self.isset(): date = "&date=%s"%self._value else : date = "" return ('%s'%(self._classname, self._name, form, date, width, height, label)) class IntervalHTMLProperty(HTMLProperty): def __init__(self, client, classname, nodeid, prop, name, value, anonymous=0): HTMLProperty.__init__(self, client, classname, nodeid, prop, name, value, anonymous) if self._value and not isinstance(self._value, (str, unicode)): self._value.setTranslator(self._client.translator) def plain(self, escape=0): """ Render a "plain" representation of the property """ if not self.is_view_ok(): return self._('[hidden]') if self._value is None: return '' return str(self._value) def pretty(self): """ Render the interval in a pretty format (eg. "yesterday") """ if not self.is_view_ok(): return self._('[hidden]') return self._value.pretty() def field(self, size=30, **kwargs): """ Render a form edit field for the property If not editable, just display the value via plain(). """ if not self.is_edit_ok(): return self.plain(escape=1) value = self._value if value is None: value = '' return self.input(name=self._formname, value=value, size=size, **kwargs) class LinkHTMLProperty(HTMLProperty): """ Link HTMLProperty Include the above as well as being able to access the class information. Stringifying the object itself results in the value from the item being displayed. Accessing attributes of this object result in the appropriate entry from the class being queried for the property accessed (so item/assignedto/name would look up the user entry identified by the assignedto property on item, and then the name property of that user) """ def __init__(self, *args, **kw): HTMLProperty.__init__(self, *args, **kw) # if we're representing a form value, then the -1 from the form really # should be a None if str(self._value) == '-1': self._value = None def __getattr__(self, attr): """ return a new HTMLItem """ if not self._value: # handle a special page templates lookup if attr == '__render_with_namespace__': def nothing(*args, **kw): return '' return nothing msg = self._('Attempt to look up %(attr)s on a missing value') return MissingValue(msg%locals()) i = HTMLItem(self._client, self._prop.classname, self._value) return getattr(i, attr) def plain(self, escape=0): """ Render a "plain" representation of the property """ if not self.is_view_ok(): return self._('[hidden]') if self._value is None: return '' linkcl = self._db.classes[self._prop.classname] k = linkcl.labelprop(1) if num_re.match(self._value): try: value = str(linkcl.get(self._value, k)) except IndexError: value = self._value else : value = self._value if escape: value = cgi.escape(value) return value def field(self, showid=0, size=None, **kwargs): """ Render a form edit field for the property If not editable, just display the value via plain(). """ if not self.is_edit_ok(): return self.plain(escape=1) # edit field linkcl = self._db.getclass(self._prop.classname) if self._value is None: value = '' else: k = linkcl.getkey() if k and num_re.match(self._value): value = linkcl.get(self._value, k) else: value = self._value return self.input(name=self._formname, value=value, size=size, **kwargs) def menu(self, size=None, height=None, showid=0, additional=[], value=None, sort_on=None, html_kwargs={}, translate=True, **conditions): """ Render a form select list for this property "size" is used to limit the length of the list labels "height" is used to set the "translate" indicates if we should do translation of labels using gettext -- this is often desired (e.g. for status labels) but sometimes not. The remaining keyword arguments are used as conditions for filtering the items in the list - they're passed as the "filterspec" argument to a Class.filter() call. If not editable, just display the value via plain(). """ if not self.is_edit_ok(): return self.plain(escape=1) # Since None indicates the default, we need another way to # indicate "no selection". We use -1 for this purpose, as # that is the value we use when submitting a form without the # value set. if value is None: value = self._value elif value == '-1': value = None linkcl = self._db.getclass(self._prop.classname) l = ['') return '\n'.join(l) # def checklist(self, ...) class MultilinkHTMLProperty(HTMLProperty): """ Multilink HTMLProperty Also be iterable, returning a wrapper object like the Link case for each entry in the multilink. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): HTMLProperty.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) if self._value: display_value = lookupIds(self._db, self._prop, self._value, fail_ok=1, do_lookup=False) sortfun = make_sort_function(self._db, self._prop.classname) # sorting fails if the value contains # items not yet stored in the database # ignore these errors to preserve user input try: display_value.sort(sortfun) except: pass self._value = display_value def __len__(self): """ length of the multilink """ return len(self._value) def __getattr__(self, attr): """ no extended attribute accesses make sense here """ raise AttributeError, attr def viewableGenerator(self, values): """Used to iterate over only the View'able items in a class.""" check = self._db.security.hasPermission userid = self._client.userid classname = self._prop.classname if check('Web Access', userid): for value in values: if check('View', userid, classname, itemid=value): yield HTMLItem(self._client, classname, value) def __iter__(self): """ iterate and return a new HTMLItem """ return self.viewableGenerator(self._value) def reverse(self): """ return the list in reverse order """ l = self._value[:] l.reverse() return self.viewableGenerator(l) def sorted(self, property): """ Return this multilink sorted by the given property """ value = list(self.__iter__()) value.sort(lambda a,b:cmp(a[property], b[property])) return value def __contains__(self, value): """ Support the "in" operator. We have to make sure the passed-in value is a string first, not a HTMLProperty. """ return str(value) in self._value def isset(self): """Is my _value not []?""" return self._value != [] def plain(self, escape=0): """ Render a "plain" representation of the property """ if not self.is_view_ok(): return self._('[hidden]') linkcl = self._db.classes[self._prop.classname] k = linkcl.labelprop(1) labels = [] for v in self._value: if num_re.match(v): try: label = linkcl.get(v, k) except IndexError: label = None # fall back to designator if label is None if label is None: label = '%s%s'%(self._prop.classname, k) else: label = v labels.append(label) value = ', '.join(labels) if escape: value = cgi.escape(value) return value def field(self, size=30, showid=0, **kwargs): """ Render a form edit field for the property If not editable, just display the value via plain(). """ if not self.is_edit_ok(): return self.plain(escape=1) linkcl = self._db.getclass(self._prop.classname) if 'value' not in kwargs: value = self._value[:] # map the id to the label property if not linkcl.getkey(): showid=1 if not showid: k = linkcl.labelprop(1) value = lookupKeys(linkcl, k, value) value = ','.join(value) kwargs["value"] = value return self.input(name=self._formname, size=size, **kwargs) def menu(self, size=None, height=None, showid=0, additional=[], value=None, sort_on=None, html_kwargs={}, translate=True, **conditions): """ Render a form tag's "size" attribute "showid" includes the item ids in the list labels "additional" lists properties which should be included in the label "value" specifies which item is pre-selected "sort_on" indicates the property to sort the list on as (direction, property) where direction is '+' or '-'. A single string with the direction prepended may be used. For example: ('-', 'order'), '+name'. The remaining keyword arguments are used as conditions for filtering the items in the list - they're passed as the "filterspec" argument to a Class.filter() call. If not editable, just display the value via plain(). """ if not self.is_edit_ok(): return self.plain(escape=1) if value is None: value = self._value linkcl = self._db.getclass(self._prop.classname) if sort_on is not None: if not isinstance(sort_on, tuple): if sort_on[0] in '+-': sort_on = (sort_on[0], sort_on[1:]) else: sort_on = ('+', sort_on) else: sort_on = ('+', linkcl.orderprop()) options = [opt for opt in linkcl.filter(None, conditions, sort_on) if self._db.security.hasPermission("View", self._client.userid, linkcl.classname, itemid=opt)] # make sure we list the current values if they're retired for val in value: if val not in options: options.insert(0, val) if not height: height = len(options) if value: # The "no selection" option. height += 1 height = min(height, 7) l = ['') return '\n'.join(l) # set the propclasses for HTMLItem propclasses = [ (hyperdb.String, StringHTMLProperty), (hyperdb.Number, NumberHTMLProperty), (hyperdb.Boolean, BooleanHTMLProperty), (hyperdb.Date, DateHTMLProperty), (hyperdb.Interval, IntervalHTMLProperty), (hyperdb.Password, PasswordHTMLProperty), (hyperdb.Link, LinkHTMLProperty), (hyperdb.Multilink, MultilinkHTMLProperty), ] def register_propclass(prop, cls): for index,propclass in enumerate(propclasses): p, c = propclass if prop == p: propclasses[index] = (prop, cls) break else: propclasses.append((prop, cls)) def make_sort_function(db, classname, sort_on=None): """Make a sort function for a given class. The list being sorted may contain mixed ids and labels. """ linkcl = db.getclass(classname) if sort_on is None: sort_on = linkcl.orderprop() def sortfunc(a, b): if num_re.match(a): a = linkcl.get(a, sort_on) if num_re.match(b): b = linkcl.get(b, sort_on) return cmp(a, b) return sortfunc def handleListCGIValue(value): """ Value is either a single item or a list of items. Each item has a .value that we're actually interested in. """ if isinstance(value, type([])): return [value.value for value in value] else: value = value.value.strip() if not value: return [] return [v.strip() for v in value.split(',')] class HTMLRequest(HTMLInputMixin): """The *request*, holding the CGI form and environment. - "form" the CGI form as a cgi.FieldStorage - "env" the CGI environment variables - "base" the base URL for this instance - "user" a HTMLItem instance for this user - "language" as determined by the browser or config - "classname" the current classname (possibly None) - "template" the current template (suffix, also possibly None) Index args: - "columns" dictionary of the columns to display in an index page - "show" a convenience access to columns - request/show/colname will be true if the columns should be displayed, false otherwise - "sort" index sort column (direction, column name) - "group" index grouping property (direction, column name) - "filter" properties to filter the index on - "filterspec" values to filter the index on - "search_text" text to perform a full-text search on for an index """ def __repr__(self): return ''%self.__dict__ def __init__(self, client): # _client is needed by HTMLInputMixin self._client = self.client = client # easier access vars self.form = client.form self.env = client.env self.base = client.base self.user = HTMLItem(client, 'user', client.userid) self.language = client.language # store the current class name and action self.classname = client.classname self.nodeid = client.nodeid self.template = client.template # the special char to use for special vars self.special_char = '@' HTMLInputMixin.__init__(self) self._post_init() def current_url(self): url = self.base if self.classname: url += self.classname if self.nodeid: url += self.nodeid args = {} if self.template: args['@template'] = self.template return self.indexargs_url(url, args) def _parse_sort(self, var, name): """ Parse sort/group options. Append to var """ fields = [] dirs = [] for special in '@:': idx = 0 key = '%s%s%d'%(special, name, idx) while key in self.form: self.special_char = special fields.append(self.form.getfirst(key)) dirkey = '%s%sdir%d'%(special, name, idx) if dirkey in self.form: dirs.append(self.form.getfirst(dirkey)) else: dirs.append(None) idx += 1 key = '%s%s%d'%(special, name, idx) # backward compatible (and query) URL format key = special + name dirkey = key + 'dir' if key in self.form and not fields: fields = handleListCGIValue(self.form[key]) if dirkey in self.form: dirs.append(self.form.getfirst(dirkey)) if fields: # only try other special char if nothing found break for f, d in map(None, fields, dirs): if f.startswith('-'): var.append(('-', f[1:])) elif d: var.append(('-', f)) else: var.append(('+', f)) def _post_init(self): """ Set attributes based on self.form """ # extract the index display information from the form self.columns = [] for name in ':columns @columns'.split(): if self.form.has_key(name): self.special_char = name[0] self.columns = handleListCGIValue(self.form[name]) break self.show = support.TruthDict(self.columns) security = self._client.db.security userid = self._client.userid # sorting and grouping self.sort = [] self.group = [] self._parse_sort(self.sort, 'sort') self._parse_sort(self.group, 'group') self.sort = security.filterSortspec(userid, self.classname, self.sort) self.group = security.filterSortspec(userid, self.classname, self.group) # filtering self.filter = [] for name in ':filter @filter'.split(): if self.form.has_key(name): self.special_char = name[0] self.filter = handleListCGIValue(self.form[name]) self.filterspec = {} db = self.client.db if self.classname is not None: cls = db.getclass (self.classname) for name in self.filter: if not self.form.has_key(name): continue prop = cls.get_transitive_prop (name) fv = self.form[name] if (isinstance(prop, hyperdb.Link) or isinstance(prop, hyperdb.Multilink)): self.filterspec[name] = lookupIds(db, prop, handleListCGIValue(fv)) else: if isinstance(fv, type([])): self.filterspec[name] = [v.value for v in fv] elif name == 'id': # special case "id" property self.filterspec[name] = handleListCGIValue(fv) else: self.filterspec[name] = fv.value self.filterspec = security.filterFilterspec(userid, self.classname, self.filterspec) # full-text search argument self.search_text = None for name in ':search_text @search_text'.split(): if self.form.has_key(name): self.special_char = name[0] self.search_text = self.form.getfirst(name) # pagination - size and start index # figure batch args self.pagesize = 50 for name in ':pagesize @pagesize'.split(): if self.form.has_key(name): self.special_char = name[0] try: self.pagesize = int(self.form.getfirst(name)) except ValueError: # not an integer - ignore pass self.startwith = 0 for name in ':startwith @startwith'.split(): if self.form.has_key(name): self.special_char = name[0] try: self.startwith = int(self.form.getfirst(name)) except ValueError: # not an integer - ignore pass # dispname if self.form.has_key('@dispname'): self.dispname = self.form.getfirst('@dispname') else: self.dispname = None def updateFromURL(self, url): """ Parse the URL for query args, and update my attributes using the values. """ env = {'QUERY_STRING': url} self.form = cgi.FieldStorage(environ=env) self._post_init() def update(self, kwargs): """ Update my attributes using the keyword args """ self.__dict__.update(kwargs) if kwargs.has_key('columns'): self.show = support.TruthDict(self.columns) def description(self): """ Return a description of the request - handle for the page title. """ s = [self.client.db.config.TRACKER_NAME] if self.classname: if self.client.nodeid: s.append('- %s%s'%(self.classname, self.client.nodeid)) else: if self.template == 'item': s.append('- new %s'%self.classname) elif self.template == 'index': s.append('- %s index'%self.classname) else: s.append('- %s %s'%(self.classname, self.template)) else: s.append('- home') return ' '.join(s) def __str__(self): d = {} d.update(self.__dict__) f = '' for k in self.form.keys(): f += '\n %r=%r'%(k,handleListCGIValue(self.form[k])) d['form'] = f e = '' for k,v in self.env.items(): e += '\n %r=%r'%(k, v) d['env'] = e return """ form: %(form)s base: %(base)r classname: %(classname)r template: %(template)r columns: %(columns)r sort: %(sort)r group: %(group)r filter: %(filter)r search_text: %(search_text)r pagesize: %(pagesize)r startwith: %(startwith)r env: %(env)s """%d def indexargs_form(self, columns=1, sort=1, group=1, filter=1, filterspec=1, search_text=1): """ return the current index args as form elements """ l = [] sc = self.special_char def add(k, v): l.append(self.input(type="hidden", name=k, value=v)) if columns and self.columns: add(sc+'columns', ','.join(self.columns)) if sort: val = [] for dir, attr in self.sort: if dir == '-': val.append('-'+attr) else: val.append(attr) add(sc+'sort', ','.join (val)) if group: val = [] for dir, attr in self.group: if dir == '-': val.append('-'+attr) else: val.append(attr) add(sc+'group', ','.join (val)) if filter and self.filter: add(sc+'filter', ','.join(self.filter)) if self.classname and filterspec: cls = self.client.db.getclass(self.classname) for k,v in self.filterspec.items(): if type(v) == type([]): if isinstance(cls.get_transitive_prop(k), hyperdb.String): add(k, ' '.join(v)) else: add(k, ','.join(v)) else: add(k, v) if search_text and self.search_text: add(sc+'search_text', self.search_text) add(sc+'pagesize', self.pagesize) add(sc+'startwith', self.startwith) return '\n'.join(l) def indexargs_url(self, url, args): """ Embed the current index args in a URL """ q = urllib.quote sc = self.special_char l = ['%s=%s'%(k,v) for k,v in args.items()] # pull out the special values (prefixed by @ or :) specials = {} for key in args.keys(): if key[0] in '@:': specials[key[1:]] = args[key] # ok, now handle the specials we received in the request if self.columns and not specials.has_key('columns'): l.append(sc+'columns=%s'%(','.join(self.columns))) if self.sort and not specials.has_key('sort'): val = [] for dir, attr in self.sort: if dir == '-': val.append('-'+attr) else: val.append(attr) l.append(sc+'sort=%s'%(','.join(val))) if self.group and not specials.has_key('group'): val = [] for dir, attr in self.group: if dir == '-': val.append('-'+attr) else: val.append(attr) l.append(sc+'group=%s'%(','.join(val))) if self.filter and not specials.has_key('filter'): l.append(sc+'filter=%s'%(','.join(self.filter))) if self.search_text and not specials.has_key('search_text'): l.append(sc+'search_text=%s'%q(self.search_text)) if not specials.has_key('pagesize'): l.append(sc+'pagesize=%s'%self.pagesize) if not specials.has_key('startwith'): l.append(sc+'startwith=%s'%self.startwith) # finally, the remainder of the filter args in the request if self.classname and self.filterspec: cls = self.client.db.getclass(self.classname) for k,v in self.filterspec.items(): if not args.has_key(k): if type(v) == type([]): prop = cls.get_transitive_prop(k) if k != 'id' and isinstance(prop, hyperdb.String): l.append('%s=%s'%(k, '%20'.join([q(i) for i in v]))) else: l.append('%s=%s'%(k, ','.join([q(i) for i in v]))) else: l.append('%s=%s'%(k, q(v))) return '%s?%s'%(url, '&'.join(l)) indexargs_href = indexargs_url def base_javascript(self): return """ """%self.base def batch(self, permission='View'): """ Return a batch object for results from the "current search" """ check = self._client.db.security.hasPermission userid = self._client.userid if not check('Web Access', userid): return Batch(self.client, [], self.pagesize, self.startwith, classname=self.classname) filterspec = self.filterspec sort = self.sort group = self.group # get the list of ids we're batching over klass = self.client.db.getclass(self.classname) if self.search_text: matches = self.client.db.indexer.search( [w.upper().encode("utf-8", "replace") for w in re.findall( r'(?u)\b\w{2,25}\b', unicode(self.search_text, "utf-8", "replace") )], klass) else: matches = None # filter for visibility l = [id for id in klass.filter(matches, filterspec, sort, group) if check(permission, userid, self.classname, itemid=id)] # return the batch object, using IDs only return Batch(self.client, l, self.pagesize, self.startwith, classname=self.classname) # extend the standard ZTUtils Batch object to remove dependency on # Acquisition and add a couple of useful methods class Batch(ZTUtils.Batch): """ Use me to turn a list of items, or item ids of a given class, into a series of batches. ========= ======================================================== Parameter Usage ========= ======================================================== sequence a list of HTMLItems or item ids classname if sequence is a list of ids, this is the class of item size how big to make the sequence. start where to start (0-indexed) in the sequence. end where to end (0-indexed) in the sequence. orphan if the next batch would contain less items than this value, then it is combined with this batch overlap the number of items shared between adjacent batches ========= ======================================================== Attributes: Note that the "start" attribute, unlike the argument, is a 1-based index (I know, lame). "first" is the 0-based index. "length" is the actual number of elements in the batch. "sequence_length" is the length of the original, unbatched, sequence. """ def __init__(self, client, sequence, size, start, end=0, orphan=0, overlap=0, classname=None): self.client = client self.last_index = self.last_item = None self.current_item = None self.classname = classname self.sequence_length = len(sequence) ZTUtils.Batch.__init__(self, sequence, size, start, end, orphan, overlap) # overwrite so we can late-instantiate the HTMLItem instance def __getitem__(self, index): if index < 0: if index + self.end < self.first: raise IndexError, index return self._sequence[index + self.end] if index >= self.length: raise IndexError, index # move the last_item along - but only if the fetched index changes # (for some reason, index 0 is fetched twice) if index != self.last_index: self.last_item = self.current_item self.last_index = index item = self._sequence[index + self.first] if self.classname: # map the item ids to instances item = HTMLItem(self.client, self.classname, item) self.current_item = item return item def propchanged(self, *properties): """ Detect if one of the properties marked as being a group property changed in the last iteration fetch """ # we poke directly at the _value here since MissingValue can screw # us up and cause Nones to compare strangely if self.last_item is None: return 1 for property in properties: if property == 'id' or isinstance (self.last_item[property], list): if (str(self.last_item[property]) != str(self.current_item[property])): return 1 else: if (self.last_item[property]._value != self.current_item[property]._value): return 1 return 0 # override these 'cos we don't have access to acquisition def previous(self): if self.start == 1: return None return Batch(self.client, self._sequence, self._size, self.first - self._size + self.overlap, 0, self.orphan, self.overlap) def next(self): try: self._sequence[self.end] except IndexError: return None return Batch(self.client, self._sequence, self._size, self.end - self.overlap, 0, self.orphan, self.overlap) class TemplatingUtils: """ Utilities for templating """ def __init__(self, client): self.client = client def Batch(self, sequence, size, start, end=0, orphan=0, overlap=0): return Batch(self.client, sequence, size, start, end, orphan, overlap) def url_quote(self, url): """URL-quote the supplied text.""" return urllib.quote(url) def html_quote(self, html): """HTML-quote the supplied text.""" return cgi.escape(html) def __getattr__(self, name): """Try the tracker's templating_utils.""" if not hasattr(self.client.instance, 'templating_utils'): # backwards-compatibility raise AttributeError, name if not self.client.instance.templating_utils.has_key(name): raise AttributeError, name return self.client.instance.templating_utils[name] def keywords_expressions(self, request): return render_keywords_expression_editor(request) def html_calendar(self, request): """Generate a HTML calendar. `request` the roundup.request object - @template : name of the template - form : name of the form to store back the date - property : name of the property of the form to store back the date - date : current date - display : when browsing, specifies year and month html will simply be a table. """ tz = request.client.db.getUserTimezone() current_date = date.Date(".").local(tz) date_str = request.form.getfirst("date", current_date) display = request.form.getfirst("display", date_str) template = request.form.getfirst("@template", "calendar") form = request.form.getfirst("form") property = request.form.getfirst("property") curr_date = date.Date(date_str) # to highlight display = date.Date(display) # to show day = display.day # for navigation try: date_prev_month = display + date.Interval("-1m") except ValueError: date_prev_month = None try: date_next_month = display + date.Interval("+1m") except ValueError: date_next_month = None try: date_prev_year = display + date.Interval("-1y") except ValueError: date_prev_year = None try: date_next_year = display + date.Interval("+1y") except ValueError: date_next_year = None res = [] base_link = "%s?@template=%s&property=%s&form=%s&date=%s" % \ (request.classname, template, property, form, curr_date) # navigation # month res.append('') # the calendar res.append('
') res.append(' ') link = "&display=%s"%date_prev_month if date_prev_month: res.append(' ' % (base_link, date_prev_month)) else: res.append(' ') res.append(' '%calendar.month_name[display.month]) if date_next_month: res.append(' ' % (base_link, date_next_month)) else: res.append(' ') # spacer res.append(' ') # year if date_prev_year: res.append(' ' % (base_link, date_prev_year)) else: res.append(' ') res.append(' '%display.year) if date_next_year: res.append(' ' % (base_link, date_next_year)) else: res.append(' ') res.append('
') res.append('
') res.append(' ') for day in calendar.weekheader(3).split(): res.append(' '%day) res.append(' ') for week in calendar.monthcalendar(display.year, display.month): res.append(' ') for day in week: link = "javascript:form[field].value = '%d-%02d-%02d'; " \ "window.close ();"%(display.year, display.month, day) if (day == curr_date.day and display.month == curr_date.month and display.year == curr_date.year): # highlight style = "today" else : style = "" if day: res.append(' '%( style, link, day)) else : res.append(' ') res.append(' ') res.append('
') return "\n".join(res) class MissingValue: def __init__(self, description, **kwargs): self.__description = description for key, value in kwargs.items(): self.__dict__[key] = value def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return MissingValue(self.__description) def __getattr__(self, name): # This allows assignments which assume all intermediate steps are Null # objects if they don't exist yet. # # For example (with just 'client' defined): # # client.db.config.TRACKER_WEB = 'BASE/' self.__dict__[name] = MissingValue(self.__description) return getattr(self, name) def __getitem__(self, key): return self def __nonzero__(self): return 0 def __str__(self): return '[%s]'%self.__description def __repr__(self): return ''%(id(self), self.__description) def gettext(self, str): return str _ = gettext # vim: set et sts=4 sw=4 :