On Tue, Sep 22, 2015 at 5:19 PM, John Kristensen <john@jerrykan.com> wrote:
On 21/08/15 20:09, John Kristensen wrote:
> New submission from John Kristensen:
> The documentation within the tsearch2 backend labels it as being
> experimental and that it should not be used. The have_backend() function
> in roundup.backend returns False indicating that it does not exist and
> is labeled as "currently not working". The PostgreSQL website also seems
> to indicate that it has been deprecated since v8.3 when text searching
> was integrated into the core[1].
> Considering all this, it seems like the best option is to just remove
> the tsearch2 backend.
> [1] http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.4/static/tsearch2.html

Unless someone can think of a good reason to keep the tsearch2 backend
around I'll look at committing the patch to remove it sometime next week.

If I understand correctly, this is the backend that uses full text search mechanism of PostgreSQL. Before removing that, it will be nice to have some tests that prove that search works and some test for additional capabilities of full text search that are being removed.

anatoly t.