On Fri, Oct 2, 2015 at 3:39 PM, John Kristensen <john@jerrykan.com> wrote:
On 28/09/15 19:14, anatoly techtonik wrote:
If I understand correctly, this is the backend that uses full text
search mechanism of PostgreSQL. Before removing that, it will be nice to
have some tests that prove that search works and some test for
additional capabilities of full text search that are being removed.

I agree that more testing for the PostgreSQL backend would be good, but considering that the tsearch2 backend is essentially dead code that never seems to have made it to production quality, I don't think add tests should be a blocker to removing the backend.

I don't know if that code works or not - that's why I asked for tests. Having search that finds at least some relevant info is better than no search at all.

anatoly t.