""" In Python 3, sometimes TAL "python:" expressions that refer to variables but not all variables are recognized. That is in Python 2.7 all variables used in TAL "python:" expression are recognized as references. In Python 3.5 (perhaps earlier), some TAL "python:" expressions refer to variables but the reference generates an error like this: : name 'some_tal_variable' is not defined even when the variable is defined. Output after this message lists the variable and its value. """ import unittest from roundup.cgi.PageTemplates.PythonExpr import PythonExpr as PythonExprClass class ExprTest(unittest.TestCase): def testExpr(self): expr = '[x for x in context.assignedto if x.realname not in user_realnames]' pe = PythonExprClass('test', expr, None) expected_names = ['context', 'user_realnames', 'x'] got_names = pe._f_varnames self.assertCountEqual(expected_names, got_names)