2010-08-23 07:58:39,689 INFO Handling message (Message-id='<4C722A23.4060706@attac.de>') 2010-08-23 07:58:39,690 INFO open database '/var/lib/roundup/trackers/yourtracker/db/db' 2010-08-23 07:58:39,721 DEBUG SQL 'select id from _issue where lower(_title)=? and __retired__=?' ('fax funktioniert nicht', 0) 2010-08-23 07:58:39,722 DEBUG SQL 'select id from _user where _username=? and __retired__=?' ('anonymous', 0) 2010-08-23 07:58:39,723 DEBUG SQL 'select _activity,_actor,_address,_alternate_addresses,_creation,_creator,_organisation,_password,_phone,_realname,_roles,_timezone,_username from _user where id=?' ('2',) 2010-08-23 07:58:39,724 DEBUG SQL 'select linkid from user_queries where nodeid=?' ('2',) 2010-08-23 07:58:39,724 DEBUG SQL 'select id from _user where lower(_address)=? and __retired__=?' ('benjamin.baermann@attac.de', 0) 2010-08-23 07:58:39,726 DEBUG SQL "select _user.id from _user where (_user._alternate_addresses LIKE '%%benjamin.baermann@attac.de%%') and _user.__retired__=0 order by _user.id" () 2010-08-23 07:58:39,727 DEBUG SQL 'select _activity,_actor,_address,_alternate_addresses,_creation,_creator,_organisation,_password,_phone,_realname,_roles,_timezone,_username from _user where id=?' ('3',) 2010-08-23 07:58:39,727 DEBUG SQL 'select linkid from user_queries where nodeid=?' ('3',) 2010-08-23 07:58:39,731 DEBUG SQL 'select num from ids where name=?' ('file',) 2010-08-23 07:58:39,732 DEBUG SQL 'update ids set num=? where name=?' (29, 'file') 2010-08-23 07:58:39,733 DEBUG addnode file28 {'content': None, 'type': 'message/rfc822', 'name': 'unnamed'} 2010-08-23 07:58:39,733 DEBUG SQL 'select id from _user where _username=? and __retired__=?' ('Benni', 0) 2010-08-23 07:58:39,734 DEBUG SQL 'insert into _file (_activity,_actor,_content,_creation,_creator,_name,_type,id) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)' ('20100823075839.734', 3, None, '20100823075839.734', 3, 'unnamed', 'message/rfc822', '28') 2010-08-23 07:58:39,735 DEBUG addjournal file28 3 create {} 2010-08-23 07:58:39,735 DEBUG SQL 'insert into file__journal (nodeid,date,tag,action,params) values (?,?,?,?,?)' ('28', '20100823075839.735', '3', 'create', '{}') 2010-08-23 07:58:39,736 DEBUG SQL 'select num from ids where name=?' ('msg',) 2010-08-23 07:58:39,737 DEBUG SQL 'update ids set num=? where name=?' (77, 'msg') 2010-08-23 07:58:39,737 DEBUG SQL 'select count(*) from _file where id=?' ('28',) 2010-08-23 07:58:39,738 DEBUG addjournal file28 3 link ('msg', '76', 'files') 2010-08-23 07:58:39,738 DEBUG SQL 'insert into file__journal (nodeid,date,tag,action,params) values (?,?,?,?,?)' ('28', '20100823075839.738', '3', 'link', "('msg', '76', 'files')") 2010-08-23 07:58:39,739 DEBUG addnode msg76 {'files': ['28'], 'inreplyto': '', 'recipients': [], 'author': '3', 'summary': 'test mit anhang', 'content': None, 'messageid': '<4C722A23.4060706@attac.de>', 'date': , 'type': None} 2010-08-23 07:58:39,739 DEBUG SQL 'insert into _msg (_activity,_actor,_author,_content,_creation,_creator,_date,_inreplyto,_messageid,_summary,_type,id) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)' ('20100823075839.739', 3, 3, None, '20100823075839.739', 3, '20100823075839.736', '', '<4C722A23.4060706@attac.de>', 'test mit anhang', None, '76') 2010-08-23 07:58:39,740 DEBUG SQL 'insert into msg_files (linkid, nodeid) values (?,?)' ('28', '76') 2010-08-23 07:58:39,741 DEBUG addjournal msg76 3 create {} 2010-08-23 07:58:39,741 DEBUG SQL 'insert into msg__journal (nodeid,date,tag,action,params) values (?,?,?,?,?)' ('76', '20100823075839.741', '3', 'create', '{}') 2010-08-23 07:58:39,742 DEBUG SQL 'select num from ids where name=?' ('__textids',) 2010-08-23 07:58:39,742 DEBUG SQL 'update ids set num=? where name=?' (125, '__textids') 2010-08-23 07:58:39,744 DEBUG SQL 'select id from _status where _name=? and __retired__=?' ('unread', 0) 2010-08-23 07:58:39,745 DEBUG SQL 'select _activity,_actor,_author,_content,_creation,_creator,_date,_inreplyto,_messageid,_summary,_type from _msg where id=?' ('76',) 2010-08-23 07:58:39,746 DEBUG SQL 'select linkid from msg_files where nodeid=?' ('76',) 2010-08-23 07:58:39,747 DEBUG SQL 'select linkid from msg_recipients where nodeid=?' ('76',) 2010-08-23 07:58:39,747 DEBUG SQL 'select num from ids where name=?' ('issue',) 2010-08-23 07:58:39,748 DEBUG SQL 'update ids set num=? where name=?' (48, 'issue') 2010-08-23 07:58:39,748 DEBUG SQL 'select count(*) from _file where id=?' ('28',) 2010-08-23 07:58:39,749 DEBUG addjournal file28 3 link ('issue', '47', 'files') 2010-08-23 07:58:39,749 DEBUG SQL 'insert into file__journal (nodeid,date,tag,action,params) values (?,?,?,?,?)' ('28', '20100823075839.749', '3', 'link', "('issue', '47', 'files')") 2010-08-23 07:58:39,749 DEBUG SQL 'select count(*) from _status where id=?' ('1',) 2010-08-23 07:58:39,750 DEBUG addjournal status1 3 link ('issue', '47', 'status') 2010-08-23 07:58:39,750 DEBUG SQL 'insert into status__journal (nodeid,date,tag,action,params) values (?,?,?,?,?)' ('1', '20100823075839.750', '3', 'link', "('issue', '47', 'status')") 2010-08-23 07:58:39,751 DEBUG SQL 'select num from ids where name=?' ('__textids',) 2010-08-23 07:58:39,751 DEBUG SQL 'update ids set num=? where name=?' (126, '__textids') 2010-08-23 07:58:39,753 DEBUG addjournal msg76 3 link ('issue', '47', 'messages') 2010-08-23 07:58:39,753 DEBUG SQL 'insert into msg__journal (nodeid,date,tag,action,params) values (?,?,?,?,?)' ('76', '20100823075839.753', '3', 'link', "('issue', '47', 'messages')") 2010-08-23 07:58:39,753 DEBUG addnode issue47 {'files': ['28'], 'status': '1', 'keyword': [], 'title': 'FAx funktioniert nicht', 'nosy': ['3'], 'messages': ['76'], 'priority': None, 'assignedto': None, 'superseder': []} 2010-08-23 07:58:39,754 DEBUG SQL 'insert into _issue (_activity,_actor,_assignedto,_creation,_creator,_priority,_status,_title,id) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)' ('20100823075839.754', 3, None, '20100823075839.754', 3, None, 1, 'FAx funktioniert nicht', '47') 2010-08-23 07:58:39,755 DEBUG SQL 'insert into issue_files (linkid, nodeid) values (?,?)' ('28', '47') 2010-08-23 07:58:39,755 DEBUG SQL 'insert into issue_nosy (linkid, nodeid) values (?,?)' ('3', '47') 2010-08-23 07:58:39,756 DEBUG SQL 'insert into issue_messages (linkid, nodeid) values (?,?)' ('76', '47') 2010-08-23 07:58:39,757 DEBUG addjournal issue47 3 create {} 2010-08-23 07:58:39,757 DEBUG SQL 'insert into issue__journal (nodeid,date,tag,action,params) values (?,?,?,?,?)' ('47', '20100823075839.757', '3', 'create', '{}') 2010-08-23 07:58:39,758 DEBUG SQL 'select _activity,_actor,_assignedto,_creation,_creator,_priority,_status,_title from _issue where id=?' ('47',) 2010-08-23 07:58:39,758 DEBUG SQL 'select linkid from issue_files where nodeid=?' ('47',) 2010-08-23 07:58:39,759 DEBUG SQL 'select linkid from issue_keyword where nodeid=?' ('47',) 2010-08-23 07:58:39,759 DEBUG SQL 'select linkid from issue_nosy where nodeid=?' ('47',) 2010-08-23 07:58:39,760 DEBUG SQL 'select linkid from issue_messages where nodeid=?' ('47',) 2010-08-23 07:58:39,760 DEBUG SQL 'select linkid from issue_superseder where nodeid=?' ('47',) 2010-08-23 07:58:39,764 DEBUG SQL 'select _activity,_actor,_creation,_creator,_name,_order from _status where id=?' ('1',) 2010-08-23 07:58:39,765 DEBUG SQL 'select _activity,_actor,_content,_creation,_creator,_name,_type from _file where id=?' ('28',)