Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author ber
Recipients ber, vaibhavagg
Date 2012-08-16.07:07:16
Message-id <>
Hi Vaibhav,
thanks for trying roundup.

Can you give us more insight in your issue?
Is is more a support request for your specific situation
or a feature request?

Just asking, because for support request, the -users list of roundup
usally gives you the fastest and best results, because most users
read there.

I also would be interested to know which of the two ways of email
you are concerned about: 
a) roundup -> outgoing
b) incoming -> roundup
And which platform your are running roundup on.

So if you ask on the -users list you should include this info.
Date User Action Args
2012-08-16 07:07:17bersetmessageid: <>
2012-08-16 07:07:17bersetrecipients: + ber, vaibhavagg
2012-08-16 07:07:16berlinkissue2550770 messages
2012-08-16 07:07:16bercreate