Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author vaibhavagg
Recipients ber, rouilj, vaibhavagg
Date 2012-08-21.10:46:34
Message-id <>
Thanks Bernhard Reiter (ber) for looking into my issue.
I am using roundup on windows os.My problem is that i want to process 
the mails in my inbox and update the issues.I was using roundup-mailgw 
for this.But imaps,pop are disabled now by my adminstrator and i need 
to use RPC to connect to mail exchange 2010.
i need for incoming-> roundup
People send mails to roundup mail id to create new issue or update 
existing issue.
So i need some python script which can solve purpose of roundup-mailgw 
but uses RPC instead of imaps or any other alternative
Date User Action Args
2012-08-21 10:46:35vaibhavaggsetmessageid: <>
2012-08-21 10:46:35vaibhavaggsetrecipients: + vaibhavagg, ber, rouilj
2012-08-21 10:46:35vaibhavagglinkissue2550770 messages
2012-08-21 10:46:34vaibhavaggcreate