Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author techtonik
Recipients ber, matt109, rouilj, techtonik
Date 2014-03-13.11:43:39
Message-id <>
In-reply-to <>
I see a reference to win32serviceutil in roundup\scripts\
There can be a pure Python ctypes alternative, but I am not using Roundup
servers on Windows, so I am not the one to implement it, because I can't
test it properly.
Date User Action Args
2016-07-11 08:01:04adminlinkissue2550827 messages
2016-07-10 17:56:09rouiljunlinkissue2550827 messages
2014-03-13 11:43:40techtoniksetrecipients: + techtonik, ber, rouilj, matt109
2014-03-13 11:43:40techtoniklinkissue2550827 messages
2014-03-13 11:43:39techtonikcreate