Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author smcgraw
Recipients rouilj, smcgraw
Date 2014-09-13.02:24:09
Message-id <>
It just occurred to me that my "test" in the previous message was
pretty meaningless given that any encoding/decoding done on it 
was utf-8.

AFAICT there is no import or other mention of "cjkcodecs" anywhere
in the roundup code.  So does that mean that any "need" for it 
would be in user-written extensions?

If that's the case, then my points about the equivalence of the
old cjkcodecs package and what comes with python holds: anyone
writing code that needs cjk codecs should be using the ones in 
Python and not in the (10 years old) cjkcodecs packge.
Date User Action Args
2014-09-13 02:24:09smcgrawsetmessageid: <>
2014-09-13 02:24:09smcgrawsetrecipients: + smcgraw, rouilj
2014-09-13 02:24:09smcgrawlinkissue2550851 messages
2014-09-13 02:24:09smcgrawcreate