Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author jerrykan
Recipients jerrykan, rouilj
Date 2016-06-26.14:50:57
Message-id <>
On closer inspection the solution used by pykafka may not work because
of roundup's use of multiple inheritance for is DB tests.

I also noticed that the the tests are currently using 'pytest.skip'
instead of 'pytest.marker.skip', which probably doesn't help.

I'll keep doing a bit more work to see if I can find a suitable workaround.
Date User Action Args
2016-06-26 14:50:57jerrykansetmessageid: <>
2016-06-26 14:50:57jerrykansetrecipients: + jerrykan, rouilj
2016-06-26 14:50:57jerrykanlinkissue2550910 messages
2016-06-26 14:50:57jerrykancreate