Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author antmail
Recipients antmail, rouilj
Date 2017-02-01.15:52:15
Message-id <>
In-reply-to <>
Hello, John.

> If you go to  the edit for for a user e.g. tracker/user3 and type in two
> different passwords for the password fields, you get a traceback:

> In cgi/ PasswordHTMLProperty::plain calls:

>         if isinstance(self._value, hyperdb.Password):
>             value = self._value.dummystr()
>         else:
>             value = self._('[hidden]')
>         if escape:
>             value = cgi.escape(value)

I   don't   have  this  issue. But I use Jinja2 and my roundup-tracker
source  is slightly different:

 def plain(self, escape=0):
         """ Render a "plain" representation of the property
        if not self.is_view_ok():
             return self._('[hidden]')

       if self._value is None:
             return ''
       value = self._value.dummystr()
       if escape:
             value = cgi.escape(value)
         return value

May  be  it doesn't matter. I guess that there is a value substitution
in  password input control in TAL template. I don't understand TAL so
this is only a guess.
Date User Action Args
2017-02-01 15:52:16antmailsetrecipients: + antmail, rouilj
2017-02-01 15:52:16antmaillinkissue2550933 messages
2017-02-01 15:52:15antmailcreate