Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author rouilj
Recipients antmail, ber, jerrykan, rouilj, techtonik
Date 2017-04-21.02:17:13
Message-id <>
Hi all:

Does this sound like a reasonable idea?

Modify the http_auth variable to support:

  yes - use REMOTE_USER, HTTP_AUTHORIZATION (as current)
  no - disable (as current)
  HTTP_*  - look for the HTTP_* variable in the env array
            and use the value of that variable like REMOTE_USER.
	    E.G. the value HTTP_PROXY-USER or http_proxy-USER
	    looks for env['HTTP_PROXY-USER']
We pair that with a new config variable

  pass_headers = proxy-user, X-Free-Registration

which generates entries:


if the corresponding headers exist.

So for Anthony to get what he wanted (assuming the header uid_variable
contains the username) the config:

  http_auth = HTTP_UID_VARIABLE
  pass_headers = uid-variable

Would your use case be handled by this proposal Anthony?

Date User Action Args
2017-04-21 02:17:14rouiljsetmessageid: <>
2017-04-21 02:17:14rouiljsetrecipients: + rouilj, ber, techtonik, jerrykan, antmail
2017-04-21 02:17:14rouiljlinkissue2550837 messages
2017-04-21 02:17:13rouiljcreate