Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author rouilj
Recipients antmail, ber, jerrykan, rouilj
Date 2020-01-19.02:36:34
Message-id <>
In-reply-to <>

In reading your description, it looks like the problem is that the
history is being updated when it shouldn't. The rollback from the
failure should result in no change to history. But from your
description it looks like the history is updated. Is this correct?

issue2550964 describes something similar, but it's a temporary/cosmetic issue.

-- rouilj

(sending via email because tracker is throwing an error at the moment).
Date User Action Args
2020-01-19 02:36:35rouiljsetrecipients: + ber, jerrykan, antmail
2020-01-19 02:36:35rouiljlinkissue2550612 messages
2020-01-19 02:36:34rouiljcreate