Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author rouilj
Recipients ivanov, rouilj
Date 2023-12-25.06:42:07
Message-id <>
Hi Ivanov:

> Do I understand correctly that this is how it was intended?

Yes. By default roundup-server's root will do one of two things:

  1) provide an index of all defined trackers. So for:

        roundup-server ... classic=classic devel=devel jinja=../jinja

     it will generate an index page with three trackers on it.

  2) If there is only one tracker, it will display that one tracker:

          roundup-server ... classic=classic

     will display the classic tracker. However the classic tracker has to be
     configured to use the correct web path at /classic/. (IIRC this will happen
     with the roundup-demo tracker if you leave off /demo/.) 

You can also use the -i command line parameter (or template roundup-server config file
setting (not to be confused with the tracker config.ini)) to create a TAL processed
template. I don't know what values are supported for the template. It has some dictionary
of trackers that are passed in.

> Perhaps I didn't look at the documentation carefully.

No this is a case where it's not explicitly stated anywhere. The admin-guide and man
page talk about the index. I suspected you had misconfigured the web and were getting
the auto-redirect to your tracker. I went looking for something that explicitly
described what the / path does, but I didn't find anything.

If you want to run a tracker at the root, I think you have to use a reverse proxy to mangle
the url or another deployment method: wsgi, cgi, mod_perl etc. I played a little with
'.=path', '=path' etc. to see if there was a magic incantation. But it looks like
/ always redirects to /index.

This is probably a ticket for better documentation in the admin guide.
Date User Action Args
2023-12-25 06:42:07rouiljsetmessageid: <>
2023-12-25 06:42:07rouiljsetrecipients: + rouilj, ivanov
2023-12-25 06:42:07rouiljlinkissue2551311 messages
2023-12-25 06:42:07rouiljcreate