Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author rouilj
Recipients asavchuk, rouilj
Date 2024-02-28.20:50:12
Message-id <>
Hi Anton:

IIRC you don't have any classhelper popups to assist with filling in fields like nosy or 
keywords. I just fixed an issue with the user classhelper on issue2551320. Just wanted
to give you a heads up in case you have something similar.
Date User Action Args
2024-02-28 20:50:12rouiljsetmessageid: <>
2024-02-28 20:50:12rouiljsetrecipients: + rouilj, asavchuk
2024-02-28 20:50:12rouiljlinkissue2551308 messages
2024-02-28 20:50:12rouiljcreate