Roundup Tracker - Issues

Issue 2550835

testFilteringRangeGeekInterval (test.test_anydbm.anydbmDBTest) sometimes fails
Type: Severity: minor
Components: Database Versions: devel, 1.4
Status: closed fixed
: ber : ber, schlatterbeck
Priority: low :

Created on 2014-03-13 07:50 by ber, last changed 2014-03-28 14:16 by schlatterbeck.

msg5020 Author: [hidden] (ber) Date: 2014-03-13 07:50
Occasionally the testFilteringRangeGeekInterval fails on anydbm.
A "phase of the moon" defect that sometimes shows is not a good idea
for a test suite. ;) 

On the other hand, it is unsure how often and critical the combination
of geekinterval and anydbm is. This is the entry to track it.

A failure looks like:
 testFilteringRangeGeekInterval (test.test_anydbm.anydbmDBTest)
 in testFilteringRangeGeekInterval
    ae(filt(None, {'deadline': '-2d;'}), ['5', '6'])
        AssertionError: ['6'] != ['5', '6']

Testing on  4864:f630eb0adcee tip there have been failures.
It sometimes works, it sometime does not.

The problem was reported earlier as well, e.g. on May 2010 on ppc:

So the next step is, to get this reproducable so more analysis can be 
done. One hypothesis is that this defect depends on the time.
To run this single test, someone can use:
  python anydbm  testFilteringRangeGeekInterval

Maybe a 
LOGGING_LEVEL=DEBUG anydbm testFilteringRangeGeekInterval
is better, but it produces a lot of output.

Here is a script to run the single test forever after 10-20 minutes of 

while true; do date ; python anydbm  
testFilteringRangeGeekInterval ; sleep `python3 -c 'import random; 
print(random.randrange(600,1200))'` ; done   >test-log-20140313.txt 
msg5048 Author: [hidden] (schlatterbeck) Date: 2014-03-28 14:16
The test created several deadline dates in the database and then
immediately queries for the interval depending on the current time.
Now if the clock ticked once after creation of the deadline dates the
test fails (because the querying interval is now too short by one second).

I've put the deadline dates one minute into the future.
Fixed in r74b24b14071a
Date User Action Args
2014-03-28 14:16:25schlatterbecksetstatus: new -> closed
resolution: fixed
messages: + msg5048
nosy: + schlatterbeck
2014-03-13 07:51:02bersetseverity: normal -> minor
2014-03-13 07:50:45bercreate