Roundup Tracker - Issues

List of issues

Activity Title Creator
1 week ago Allow admin settable max number of rows to be returned by rest interface rouilj
1 week ago Support rate limiting in XMLRPC interface. rouilj
1 week ago Processing leftover post data when using GET request rouilj
1 week ago yaml output of broken rouilj
1 week ago Allow selecting/bookmarking of sets of issues rouilj
1 week ago Python changes for 3.12 with roundup 2.3.0 kragacles
1 week ago psycopg2 on 3.13 github runner crashes on import rouilj
3 weeks ago In "responsive" template list of multi link field is not working correct. LudwigReiter
1 month ago consider where __slots__ may be useful rouilj
1 month ago Remove XHTML support rouilj
1 month ago Add issue activity sparkline for index pages. rouilj
1 month ago Remove html comments inside of script tags. rouilj
1 month ago Hosting 3rd party templates on sourceforge under Roundup org rouilj
1 month ago rest responses missing cache-control header rouilj
1 month ago Add etag header when If-Modified-Since GET request returns not-modified (304) rouilj
1 month ago Use to test https responses rouilj
1 month ago Built-in mailbox polling scheduler asavchuk
1 month ago Redesign of templates based on jinja2 and update to bootstrap5 asavchuk
2 months ago Month intervals at the end of long months yield the wrong day ThomasAH
2 months ago Handle empty states in index view rouilj
2 months ago Allow rest endpoints added via to overlay existing endpoints. rouilj
2 months ago tighten up ssl connection rouilj
2 months ago xapian doesn't build in CI for 3.13 python rouilj
2 months ago support @current_user in searches on MultiLink to user properties. rouilj
2 months ago Support editing of messages rouilj
2 months ago Access to static files is not limited by origin rouilj
2 months ago Enable openid/login with github on this tracker, possibly include as plugin addon rouilj
2 months ago test requires "CREATE" privilege on Pg - print creation command required for postgresql admin tonimueller
2 months ago Upgrade jquery supplied with templates rouilj
2 months ago Support adding webmention to links rouilj
2 months ago Improving permission performance - RBAC, ABAC push to db layer from hyperdb rouilj
3 months ago with more than 50 items, the simple classhelp javascript windows do not allow to select from all items (affects keywords, superceder) tonimueller
3 months ago roundup-admin updateconfig does not preserve DEFAULT section or interpolation tokens rouilj
3 months ago Add proxy capability to roundup. rouilj
4 months ago Track removal of non-caching code path through (in 2026) rouilj
4 months ago Grab bag of other thoughts on JWT credentials rouilj
4 months ago add completer function for roundup-admin when using readline rouilj
4 months ago Add as a templating engine rouilj
4 months ago Upgrade zope tal/page templates/ZTUtils to current page templates codebase rouilj
4 months ago Build a TUI/CLI with textualize or python-prompt-toolkit rouilj
4 months ago Add skip links to TOC in docs pages rouilj
4 months ago make pre examples in docs pages tabable rouilj
4 months ago Add index creation hint to schema definition schlatterbeck
5 months ago Add support for html2text to rouilj
5 months ago Consider adding unique=True|False for all hyperdb classes rouilj
5 months ago Support examples in multiple templating languages for Roundup docs rouilj
5 months ago mysql 8 testing takes 4 hours. Create table seems to be the culprit rouilj
5 months ago Support encrypted databases (sqlite and possibly others) rouilj
5 months ago mistune 3.0 support rouilj
6 months ago Better logging in REST api schlatterbeck
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