Roundup Tracker - Issues

Issue 2551318

Repeating / Recurring Tasks
Type: Severity: normal
Components: Versions:
Status: closed invalid
: : r2d2, rouilj
Priority: :

Created on 2024-02-21 13:51 by r2d2, last changed 2024-02-21 17:18 by rouilj.

msg7946 Author: [hidden] (r2d2) Date: 2024-02-21 13:51
Hello @ALL!

Is there a way to modify a tracker to handle recurring / repeating tasks?

For example:
- Check oil on hydraulic press every year?
- Check pressure tank of compressor every 3 years?

BTW, thanks for this amazing software!
msg7947 Author: [hidden] (rouilj) Date: 2024-02-21 17:18
Ralf answered this on the development mailing list (which gets a copy of new issues).
Help requests like this are better handled on the roundup-users mailing list.

(see for links to join the mailing list. Email to the mailing list doesn't;t require joining, you can monitor from the archives (also lined on contact.html)

Ralf's answer is:

On Wed, Feb 21, 2024 at 01:51:21PM +0000, r2d2 wrote:
> Hello @ALL!
> Is there a way to modify a tracker to handle recurring / repeating tasks?
> For example:
> - Check oil on hydraulic press every year?
> - Check pressure tank of compressor every 3 years?

Not built-in.
The simplest way might be a cron-job that sends an email to the tracker
every k months.
And there is a REST-API where you could do more elaborate things like
automatically open a ticket whenever something happens (or whenever it's
time for something)

Hope that helps!

Kind regards,
Date User Action Args
2024-02-21 17:18:31rouiljsetstatus: new -> closed
resolution: invalid
messages: + msg7947
nosy: + rouilj
2024-02-21 13:51:21r2d2create