Roundup Tracker - Issues

Issue 2551376

Tracebacks in forms
Type: crash Severity: urgent
Components: Web interface Versions: devel
Status: new remind
: : rouilj, schlatterbeck
Priority: high :

Created on 2024-12-09 09:22 by schlatterbeck, last changed 2025-01-01 19:39 by rouilj.

msg8219 Author: [hidden] (schlatterbeck) Date: 2024-12-09 09:22
Remember my request on the mailinglist regarding 'back' button? I've now found what makes users use the 'back' button:

Our tracker has several forms where instead of a 'menu' in html we use a 'field' with a (list) link to a help-popup, similar to what roundups own tracker does for the fields 'nosy list' and 'superseder'. The reason is that there are simply too many values to chose from.
Many of these fields produce a traceback when entering wrong values. In a tracker with 'debug' of the web-interface turned off, all the user sees is 'An Error has occurred'. In all the cases I have seen, an exception from the postgres backend

<class 'psycopg2.errors.InvalidTextRepresentation'>: invalid input syntax for type integer: "xxxx" ..
is seen (when debug is enabled in the web interface).

You can reproduce this in roundup's own tracker by entering "xxxxx" in the superseder field.
msg8220 Author: [hidden] (rouilj) Date: 2024-12-09 15:20
Hmm, I can't reproduce this with one of my trackers. It doesn't have a superseder field,
but it does have another issue multilink. In my tracker I see:

  "Error: you may only enter ID values for property seealso"

with a red background in the notification area.

The roundup tracker is running Roundup 1.6.1, so it's not a great test case but I do see
the problem.

What Roundup version are you running on your tracker? Also what template did you use to
create it?
msg8221 Author: [hidden] (schlatterbeck) Date: 2024-12-09 15:32
On Mon, Dec 09, 2024 at 03:20:35PM +0000, John Rouillard wrote:
> Hmm, I can't reproduce this with one of my trackers. It doesn't have a superseder field,
> but it does have another issue multilink. In my tracker I see:
>   "Error: you may only enter ID values for property seealso"
> with a red background in the notification area.

Do you have a postgres backend?
This may be a backend-specific error we do not catch.

> What Roundup version are you running on your tracker? Also what
> template did you use to create it?

This happens with current development. The latest rollout where this is
reproduceable include my performance-improvement merged branch.
Yes, these are my templates.

But please test our public roundup tracker and you will notice that it
occurs there, too.

Dr. Ralf Schlatterbeck                  Tel:   +43/2243/26465-16
Open Source Consulting                  www:
Reichergasse 131, A-3411 Weidling       email:
msg8223 Author: [hidden] (rouilj) Date: 2024-12-09 15:47
Hi Ralf:

> Do you have a postgres backend?
> This may be a backend-specific error we do not catch.

I do not. It's sqlite, which is more ... shall we say forgiving on typing issues.

Since you can reproduce with the current development, it's reasonable to think
its related to a postgres backend with psycopg2. IIRC there were some changes to the
exception structure in psycopg2.

InvalidTextRepresentation is a subtype of DataError:
Date User Action Args
2025-01-01 19:39:22rouiljsetpriority: high
2024-12-21 20:47:03rouiljsetresolution: remind
2024-12-09 15:47:09rouiljsetmessages: + msg8223
2024-12-09 15:32:22schlatterbecksetmessages: + msg8221
2024-12-09 15:20:35rouiljsetmessages: + msg8220
2024-12-09 09:22:42schlatterbeckcreate