Roundup Tracker - Issues

Issue 558792

Navigating around the issues
Type: Severity: normal
Components: Web interface Versions:
Status: closed invalid
: richard : abrandl, richard
Priority: normal :

Created on 2002-05-21 18:34 by abrandl, last changed 2002-05-22 11:30 by richard.

msg222 Author: [hidden] (abrandl) Date: 2002-05-21 18:34
When browsing my issues, I often switch back to the
overview page and open the next or previous issue.

It thus would make sense to provide "next" and
"previous" - links on each issue page. Of course,
this is no trivial task, since what "next" and "previous"
means depends on the context (how are the issues
grouped, which filters are in use, etc.).

Anyway. It would be nice to have something like this.
msg223 Author: [hidden] (richard) Date: 2002-05-22 11:30
Logged In: YES 

This is not a bug. 
msg224 Author: [hidden] (abrandl) Date: 2002-05-22 11:57
Logged In: YES 

Well, let's call it an issue ;-)

The current user interface does not provide any means to look at several
issues, one by one, other than by pressing the "back" button and figuring
out what the next issue might be (which is not trivial, especially if the
list is longer).

If you think that navigating around issues will be something that users
do very rarely, then just forget about it. I've seen that I do it quite often,
so I think it would improve the user interface.

Best regards, Albert
msg225 Author: [hidden] (richard) Date: 2002-05-22 12:12
Logged In: YES 

Sure, it's an issue - a feature request ;) 
I'll copy it over myself. 
Date User Action Args
2002-05-21 18:34:46abrandlcreate