Roundup Tracker - Issues

Issue 580017

display incorrect under opera
Type: Severity: normal
Components: Web interface Versions:
Status: closed works for me
: richard : jkew, richard
Priority: normal :

Created on 2002-07-11 09:51 by anonymous, last changed 2002-10-07 13:25 by jkew.

msg288 Author: [hidden] (anonymous) Date: 2002-07-11 09:51

the 2002-07-11.09:41:19 
entry's description goes off the edge of the screen.

the <pre> tags from around the text and it works fine (the stylesheet 
still forces monospaced text). Don't know if this is an opera bug 
though :-(
msg289 Author: [hidden] (richard) Date: 2002-07-11 12:04
Logged In: YES 

The text is displayed as plain text. The source of the text is the 
problem - if the text came from email, then fix the email client. If the 
text came from the web, then the web browser isn't honoring the 
wrap=hard attribute of the textare, as most modern browsers do. 
msg290 Author: [hidden] (jkew) Date: 2002-10-07 13:25
Logged In: YES 

A Google for this suggests that wrap="hard" isn't standard HTML -- so 
Opera are technically correct in ignoring it. Doesn't help us much 

We have a couple of Opera users: are there any 
suggested workarounds for this issue, apart from
a) telling them not 
to use Opera, or
b) sneaking into the msg folder in the database and 
rewrapping the message by hand?

An option to always wrap all 
lines over X lines long would catch the ugliest Opera submissions.
Date User Action Args
2002-07-11 09:51:40anonymouscreate