Roundup Tracker - Issues

Issue 636375

Support please
Type: rfe Severity: normal
Components: Interface Versions:
Status: closed wont fix
: richard : richard, schlatterbeck, tobias
Priority: normal :

Created on 2002-11-10 22:43 by tobias, last changed 2012-01-05 20:12 by schlatterbeck.

msg3101 Author: [hidden] (tobias) Date: 2002-11-10 22:43

Would it be possible to support in
the mail interface? This would make sending a bug
upstream and tracking it there much easier: Most
trackers can be configured to send mails, none to send
mails and prepend [issueX] to the subject.

In addition roundup does not allow for one message to
be added to two issues, something that is rather easy
with debian's tracker for example (just CC the secound

msg3102 Author: [hidden] (richard) Date: 2002-12-09 23:21
Logged In: YES 

The change you're asking for would be possible with the right extensions 
to the mail gateway code (we have already seen the need to pass in the 
item designator in other situations). You would then need to configure your 
MTA to handle the multiple email addresses feeding to Roundup. That's got 
to be messy... 
The email that roundup sends _out_ though, will always be from the 
roundup address and with the subject format that is currently used. Having 
it do anything else would be difficult. 
I'm not sure what you mean by "sending a bug upstream and tracking it  
there". I'm going to assume from  the "Most trackers" part of the comment 
you're talking about forwarding the issues from Roundup to another tracker?  
In what situation would you want to send the same message to two issues? 
msg3103 Author: [hidden] (tobias) Date: 2002-12-11 13:34
Logged In: YES 

My probel is that I have two trackers to coordinate. One is
our roundup instance (roundup in the following), the other
is some other bugtracker used by other projects we depend
upon (upstream).

What I get is a report of some problem in roundup. I look at
that and come to the conclusion that this is actually a
problem with one of the libraries and report that problem on

I can request updates on upstrea to be reported to a
email-address I give. If roundup was able to understand
issueX@roundup.instan.ce then I could enter that into
upstream and thus get a trace of the upstream-activity in my
own roundup tracker. I cannot specify a prefix that the
upstream tracker will prepend (like [issueX]), so I cannot
get roundup to accept mails from upstream without some
serious hacking of my mail configuration:-)

The outgoing mails are not that bad: You can have roundup
send mails to allready, so that way
thwere's no problem with collaboration. I'd still prefer
issueX@roundup.instan.ce though, but that's just a matter of

When do I want to send the same message to different issues?

One example is when several people report the same bug und I
want to mark all but one to be duplicates of the one I want
to keep open. CCing that to all the issues about to get
closed seems like a very clean solution to me. Allowing more
then one issue in the Subject-Prefix should work too.
msg3104 Author: [hidden] (anonymous) Date: 2002-12-11 18:07
Logged In: NO 

I had just a problem today. I am working two issues with the same root 
cause. I want to add a single message to both issues to tell the respective 
people that the problem was solved.

This is currently not 
possible in either the email or web interfaces, but I think bulk ticket 
actions are needed. I know I used them often in RT and other 

Also there is no "merge" functionality that would help 
mitigate, but not eliminate this issue.

-- rouilj

msg3105 Author: [hidden] (richard) Date: 2002-12-11 21:18
Logged In: YES 

Please describe the "merge" functionality. 
msg3106 Author: [hidden] (richard) Date: 2003-01-12 02:20
Logged In: YES 

This is implemented in CVS but untested. 
msg4474 Author: [hidden] (schlatterbeck) Date: 2012-01-05 20:12
This will not be implemented unless someone submits a patch. I can see
the use-case which is clearly described. But I think this is better
implemented as a mail-gateway script for your favorite MTA that does
appropriate header-rewriting and submits the received email to the
roundup mail gateway.
Date User Action Args
2012-01-05 20:12:04schlatterbecksetstatus: open -> closed
resolution: fixed -> wont fix
messages: + msg4474
nosy: + schlatterbeck
2002-11-10 22:43:40tobiascreate