Roundup Tracker - Issues

Issue 665187

History table displays prev value for assignedto and status
Type: Severity: normal
Components: Web interface Versions:
Status: closed rejected
: richard : richard, shstock
Priority: normal :

Created on 2003-01-09 18:13 by shstock, last changed 2003-01-09 18:13 by shstock.

msg566 Author: [hidden] (shstock) Date: 2003-01-09 18:13
I'm running Roundup 0.5.3 under Python 2.2.2 and the 
anydbm backend (dbhash is what gets selected) on x86 
Red Hat 7.2.  I am using the classic look via the default 

The History table at the bottom of the issue page 
displays the previous values for assignedto and status 
fields instead of the values that were made during a 
change.  For example:

1. New issue entered by admin via web interface 
assigning the task to shstock results in these two 
history entries:

2003-01-09 17:16:12 admin set assignedto: (no value) 
nosy: + shstock 
2003-01-09 17:15:57 admin create 

2. Next, shstock user adds a comment and changes the 
status to "in-progress" resulting in this history entry:

2003-01-09 17:17:41 shstock set status: unread
messages: + msg4 

while the email generated from this action reads:

Stuart Stock <> added the comment:

We have ordered CPUs.  Sun says they will ship 
status: unread -> in-progress

3. Some conversations take place

2003-01-09 17:20:40 admin set messages: + msg6 
2003-01-09 17:18:46 shstock set messages: + msg5 

4. Finally, shstock sets the issue as "resolved" and gets 
this history message:

2003-01-09 17:21:57 shstock set status: in-progress
messages: + msg7 

but gets this email:

Stuart Stock <> added the comment:

CPUs were installed.  Everything is golden.
status: in-progress -> resolved

The expected behavior is the history table displaying the 
values made during a change. 
Here is a dump of the issue via roundup-admin:

roundup> history issue2
[('2', <Date 2003-01-09.17:15:57>, '1', 'create', {}), ('2', 
<Date 2003-01-09.17:16:12>, '1', 'set', {'assignedto': 
None, 'nosy': (('+', ['3']),)}), ('2', <Date 2003-01-
09.17:17:41>, '3', 'set', {'status': '1', 'messages': (('+', 
['4']),)}), ('2', <Date 2003-01-09.17:18:46>, '3', 'set', 
{'messages': (('+', ['5']),)}), ('2', <Date 2003-01-
09.17:20:40>, '1', 'set', {'messages': (('+', ['6']),)}), ('2', 
<Date 2003-01-09.17:21:57>, '3', 'set', 
{'status': '5', 'messages': (('+', ['7']),)})]
roundup> display issue2
status: 8
priority: 2
topic: []
assignedto: 3
messages: ['3', '4', '5', '6', '7']
title: Missed messages at market close.  Need to add 
nosy: ['1', '3']
superseder: []
files: []
msg567 Author: [hidden] (richard) Date: 2003-01-09 22:52
Logged In: YES 

Not a bug. See 
msg568 Author: [hidden] (shstock) Date: 2003-01-09 23:05
Logged In: YES 

Perfect, the patch from

Worked perfectly, thank you.
Date User Action Args
2003-01-09 18:13:32shstockcreate