Roundup Tracker - Issues

Issue 678904

Text searches should support phrase and multi-word searching
Type: rfe Severity: normal
Components: Interface Versions:
Status: closed fixed
: richard : richard
Priority: normal :

Created on 2003-02-02 04:24 by anonymous, last changed 2003-05-10 06:59 by anonymous.

msg3160 Author: [hidden] (anonymous) Date: 2003-02-02 04:24
For text based searching in the "All text", or "Title" fields,
I often 
want certain keywords and not an exact phrase
search. E.G. I 
would like to type "eth0 jabber" in a Title
field and find all topics 
that have the words "eth0" and the
word "jabber" in the title 
regardless of their relative
positions in the title. Right now it 
seems phrase searching
is the only thing that is 

I would suggest splitting the search phrase into 
(phrase search) and unquoted portions and 
reporting the intersection of the results for each 


  "sun microsystems" sunblade disk 

would be implemented as:

  search for the 
phrase "sun microsystems"
  search for the phrase 

set the result set to the intersection of these 
search results.

  search for the phrase 

set the result set to the intersection of the current 
set and the results of this search. Same with the phrase 

-- rouilj

msg3161 Author: [hidden] (anonymous) Date: 2003-05-10 06:59
Logged In: NO 


You closed this and I updated from cvs about 3 hours 
I just tried a search in the all text box putting in two
words that 
occur in different messages in an issue.
It didn't find the issue. I also 
tried with three words
where two of the words or the single word used 
as a
search term returned the correct issue. With three 
the search failed to return any issues.

If I put in multiple 
words that occur in a single message,
then it found the 
corresponding issue. If I put a word from
the subject and a message 
body together, the issue is not

Is this the intended 
spec? Its a great improvement from
the single word only search 
capability, but I was figuring
that the searches should be over all of the 
associated with a ticket.

If it is spec, I would make 
note of the requirement that all
words must occur in a single message 
or the title.

Also I have a number of messages that are assigned 
multiple issues. Is this possibly causing a problem?

-- rouilj 

Date User Action Args
2003-02-02 04:24:04anonymouscreate