Roundup Tracker - Issues

Issue 932586

Groups of users
Type: rfe Severity: normal
Components: Database Versions:
Status: closed later
: richard : richard, rouilj, tyronen
Priority: normal :

Created on 2004-04-09 23:04 by tyronen, last changed 2016-04-11 00:06 by rouilj.

msg3313 Author: [hidden] (tyronen) Date: 2004-04-09 23:04
At my organization, we often add the same sets of users
to nosy lists for certain types of issues.  We've
implemented a new feature that places groups, not
individual users, on the nosy list.

To do this we have:
- Created a new Group class, with properties groupname,
description, and members.  Members is a multilink to
the User class.

- Replaced the nosy field in the Issue class with a new
field, nosygroup, consisting of a multilink to Group.

- On the issue.item template, the "Nosy Lists" text box
now displays the contents of this new field.

- New group.index and group.item templates are created.

- The nosyreaction detector and the roundupdb code that
sends out emails is modified to reflect this.  If a
user is in more than one group in the nosygroup list,
they still get only one email.

One hitch was that the existing code automatically
added the assignedto user and message recipients to the
nosy list.  We got around this by creating single-user
groups, one for each user, with the groupname matching
the username.  These are added when the corresponding
user is placed in the assignedto field, or a message
sent to them.

This is a bit of a hack.  The way to make it "proper"
would be to make the single-user groups unmodifiable
without modifying the corresponding user (i.e. they
exist solely behind the scenes).  Alternatively, we
could show both nosy-individual and nosy-group fields
in the user interface, but this seems a bit cluttered.

If this design seems appropriate, we can submit a patch
containing the code changes we made.
msg3314 Author: [hidden] (richard) Date: 2004-04-09 23:15
Logged In: YES 

I don't think I'd patch the core to do this, but I would be very 
interested if you could write it up as an example for the docs 
(to whatever degree of verbosity you feel like, including 
none :) 
msg5517 Author: [hidden] (rouilj) Date: 2016-04-11 00:06
Closing this as the original person seems to have moved on and not
gotten docs/writeup on the wiki or in the docs.

Also for people implementing this in the future, I would suggest a
mailing list or alias at the MTA level and have the "group users"
email address send to the mailing list.

Alternatively, some mechanism to assign all people in a group to the
nosy list would work. As this allows individuals to unsubscribe from
particular issues.

Also if any sort of ACL is set up based on who is on the nosy list,
having the individual members of the group on the nosy list will
work as expected.
Date User Action Args
2016-04-11 00:06:10rouiljsetstatus: open -> closed
resolution: later
messages: + msg5517
nosy: + rouilj
2004-04-09 23:04:48tyronencreate