Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author admin
Recipients admin, richard, tobias-herp
Date 2009-02-22.23:23:55
Message-id <>
I would like to clean up the repository / working copy directory
structure. For example:

* Rearrange things such that the roundup/ directory matches exactly what
gets installed as the 'roundup' package.

* Move the content of roundup/scripts/ to scripts/, and clean up files
therein. (Some appear defunct, some obsolete)

* Move all data (tracker templates, compiled locale support files, etc.)
into share/roundup

* Refactor by moving the various build commands into
roundup/dist/command/, moving the release notes into NEWS.

* ?

Please note that this should have little or no impact on where Roundup
is installed, and so this only affects developers, but not users. In
fact, most of the proposed changes simply make the directory structure
more similar to how an installed Roundup would look like.

The overall goal is to clarify the purpose of individual files /
directories, and make project (and in particular, release-) management

Comments are appreciated.
Date User Action Args
2009-02-22 23:23:56adminsetmessageid: <>
2009-02-22 23:23:56adminsetrecipients: + admin, richard, tobias-herp
2009-02-22 23:23:56adminlinkissue2550516 messages
2009-02-22 23:23:55admincreate