Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author yolandeR
Recipients catucci, stefan, yolandeR
Date 2009-06-17.11:54:32
Message-id <>
Yes, I've installed the full version. It was the version that I've 
downloaded from the site of roundup. (sourceforge)

But I've the same problem without an upgrade from an older version.

When I use a browser with language english (in the preferences of these 
browser), I can go on the web interface of roundup.
Date User Action Args
2009-06-17 11:54:32yolandeRsetmessageid: <>
2009-06-17 11:54:32yolandeRsetrecipients: + yolandeR, stefan, catucci
2009-06-17 11:54:32yolandeRlinkissue2550546 messages
2009-06-17 11:54:32yolandeRcreate