Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author tobias-herp
Recipients ajaksu2, ber, richard, schlatterbeck, tobias-herp
Date 2009-07-13.12:39:16
Message-id <>
With the semicolons replaced with commas, my module yields

   lambda x: (x <= 0) or (1 <= x <= 5) or (7 < x < 9) or (11 <= x))

Btw, it is currently a little bit too liberal; some (very queer)
expressions yield wrong results. I'll apply a few changes to decrease
complexity and submit a new version.
Date User Action Args
2009-07-13 12:39:17tobias-herpsetmessageid: <>
2009-07-13 12:39:17tobias-herpsetrecipients: + tobias-herp, richard, schlatterbeck, ber, ajaksu2
2009-07-13 12:39:17tobias-herplinkissue1182919 messages
2009-07-13 12:39:17tobias-herpcreate