Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author galis
Recipients galis
Date 2009-07-15.05:24:00
Message-id <>
This is a request to develop the WSGI section of the docs. I'm pretty
well experienced with apache modules and configuration and several years
back I did a mod_python roundup install. Maybe I'm missing something so
obvious, nobody thought it needed to be in the docs. After numerous
passes, I'm not able to get beyond the following (yes my install prefix
is /usr/local/roundup-1.4.8./ ).

: NULL result without error in PyObject_Call	Python 2.5.2

A problem occurred while running a Python script. Here is the sequence
of function calls leading up to the error, with the most recent
(innermost) call first. The exception attributes are:

in sql_open_connection(self=<roundlite 0xb8f82f8c>)
  107             conn.db.sqlite_busy_handler(self.sqlite_busy_handler)
  108         else:
  109             conn = sqlite.connect(db, timeout=30)
      conn = undefined, global sqlite = <module 'sqlite3' from
'/usr/pkg/lib/python2.5/sqlite3/__init__.pyc'>, global connect =
undefined, db = '/usr/local/www/vhost/',
global timeout = undefined
  110             conn.row_factory = sqlite.Row

in open_connection(self=<roundlite 0xb8f82f8c>)
  123         os.umask(self.config.UMASK)
  125         (self.conn, self.cursor) = self.sql_open_connection()
      self = <roundlite 0xb8f82f8c>, global conn = undefined, global
cursor = undefined, global sql_open_connection = undefined
  127         try:

in __init__(self=<roundlite 0xb8f82f8c>,
config=<roundup.configuration.CoreConfig instance at 0xb8fb13cc>,
  134         # open a connection to the database, creating the "conn"
  135         self.open_connection()
      self = <roundlite 0xb8f82f8c>, global open_connection = undefined
  137     def clearCache(self):

/usr/local/roundup-1.4.8./lib/python2.5/site-packages/roundup/ in
open(self=<roundup.instance.Tracker instance at 0xb8fb1aec>, name='admin')
  101             'Boolean': hyperdb.Boolean,
  102             'Number': hyperdb.Number,
  103             'db': backend.Database(self.config, name)
      backend = <module 'roundup.backends.back_sqlite' from
'/us.../site-packages/roundup/backends/back_sqlite.pyc'>, global
Database = undefined, self = <roundup.instance.Tracker instance at
0xb8fb1aec>, global config = undefined, name = 'admin'
  104         }

in opendb(self=<roundup.cgi.client.Client instance at 0xb8f82d2c>,
  715         # open the database or only set the user
  716         if not hasattr(self, 'db'):
  717             self.db =
      self = <roundup.cgi.client.Client instance at 0xb8f82d2c>, global
db = undefined, global instance = undefined, global open = undefined,
username = 'admin'
  718         else:
  719             if self.instance.optimize:

in determine_user(self=<roundup.cgi.client.Client instance at 0xb8f82d2c>)
  636     def determine_user(self):
  637         """Determine who the user is"""
  638         self.opendb('admin')
      self = <roundup.cgi.client.Client instance at 0xb8f82d2c>, global
opendb = undefined
  640         # get session data from db

in inner_main(self=<roundup.cgi.client.Client instance at 0xb8f82d2c>)
  434             try:
  435                 # make sure we're identified (even anonymously)
  436                 self.determine_user()
      self = <roundup.cgi.client.Client instance at 0xb8f82d2c>, global
determine_user = undefined
  438                 # figure out the context and desired content template
Date User Action Args
2009-07-15 05:24:01galissetmessageid: <>
2009-07-15 05:24:01galissetrecipients: + galis
2009-07-15 05:24:01galislinkissue2550566 messages
2009-07-15 05:24:00galiscreate