Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author tobias-herp
Recipients ajaksu2, ber, richard, schlatterbeck, tobias-herp
Date 2009-07-15.10:22:15
Message-id <>

Here is my proposal; hopefully Ralf can live with it, too:

- the semicolon ";" (or 'to') is the range operator, like in
- ranges can have inclusive or exclusive limits:
    [a; b]          --> a <= x <= b
    [a; b)          --> a <= x <  b
    (a; b)          --> a <  x <  b
    (a; b]          --> a <  x <= b
  (to continue support for existing date searches,
  and important for floats)

- a simple, single range can be specified without brackets:
    a; b

- ranges without brackets are by default /inclusive/ ("[a;b]")
  except (for compatibility) for date ranges before the magic
  lever is thrown

- the comma "," (or 'or') is the -- optional! -- set operator:
    a, b            --> x in (a, b,)
    a or b          --> x in (a, b,)     (same as "x==a or x==b")
    a b             --> x in (a, b,)

- when sets and ranges are combined, ranges *must* be put in braces.

  * Preferred syntax:
      {a, b} or [c; d]    --> x in (a, b) or c <= x <= d
  * Accepted syntax (examples):
      a or b or [c;d]
      a, b, [c;d]
      {a b} [c;d]         # (not for dates)
      a b [c;d]           # (not for dates)
    or, queer but possible:
      {a} {b} [c;d]

* search support for dates, integers, ids and floats works
  as similar as possible:
  - when it comes to search expressions,
    ids are treated exactly like integers
  - for dates, separation of alternatives by blanks can't be
    supported; but for all data types -- which /can't/ contain
    blanks -- it is.
  - comparison of floats for equality is /unreliable/ by nature;
    thus, sets and /inclusive/ ranges are disallowed for float fields.
    After a short while, floats might be the only case where
    /exclusive/ ranges are actually used:
      (0;)              --> 0 < x
    (Ralf's initial need, probably concerning floats)

* for convenience, float values can be specified using decimal commas
  as well as decimal points:
    (0.0;)            --> 0.0 < x
    (0,0;)            --> 0.0 < x
    (0.;)             --> 0.0 < x    # just to please geeks
    (0,;)             --> 0.0 < x    # (perhaps; not recommended)
    0,0               --> ERROR: sets or single values not supported

Philosophy (the "Zen of Searching" ;-):
- Support what works already.
- But don't stick with unappropriate defaults.
- As far as possible, do similar things similarly.
- But when necessary, threat different things differently.
- Predictibility is more important than simplicity.
- Better raise an error than perform an unintended search.
- Explicit is better than implicit.
Date User Action Args
2009-07-15 10:22:15tobias-herpsetmessageid: <>
2009-07-15 10:22:15tobias-herpsetrecipients: + tobias-herp, richard, schlatterbeck, ber, ajaksu2
2009-07-15 10:22:15tobias-herplinkissue1182919 messages
2009-07-15 10:22:15tobias-herpcreate