Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author kowey
Recipients kowey
Date 2009-08-15.23:13:17
Message-id <>
The error we get looks like

<class 'psycopg.ProgrammingError'>: ERROR: value "20030921115726" is out
of range for type integer select count(*) from _file where

This happens when I view a message (or an issue containing a message)
with a certain string in it.  I can reliably make the web interface
explode by pasting that string into a new message (which I will attempt
next here)
Date User Action Args
2009-08-15 23:13:18koweysetmessageid: <>
2009-08-15 23:13:18koweysetrecipients: + kowey
2009-08-15 23:13:18koweylinkissue2550575 messages
2009-08-15 23:13:17koweycreate