Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author ThomasAH
Recipients ThomasAH, ber
Date 2009-09-14.10:50:13
Message-id <>
When changing the classic template to include full issue titles instead
of just "issueXYZ", the searchbox will move down if the title is very
long and there will be much unused space below the title.

The attached patch (against current svn, applies to 1.4.9, too) fixes
this with only few changes by removing unneeded (and troublesome) lines
from style.css and reordering title and searchbox in page.html

For an unchanged classic template it will look the same as before.
Date User Action Args
2009-09-14 10:50:14ThomasAHsetmessageid: <>
2009-09-14 10:50:14ThomasAHsetrecipients: + ThomasAH, ber
2009-09-14 10:50:14ThomasAHlinkissue2550589 messages
2009-09-14 10:50:14ThomasAHcreate