Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author radioking
Recipients radioking
Date 2009-11-17.20:49:41
Message-id <>
There is a minor error in the documentation located at [1]:

For example,


      setting the priority of an issue:

      Subject: Re: [issue1] the coffee machine is broken! [priority=urgent]


      adding yourself to a nosy list:

      Subject: Re: [issue2] we're out of widgets [nosy=+richard]


      setting the nosy list to just you and cliff:

      Subject: Re: [issue2] we're out of widgets [nosy=richard,cliff]


      removing yourself from a nosy list and setting the priority:

      Subject: Re: [issue2] we're out of widgets

In all cases, the message relates to issue 2. The Re: prefix is stripped

The phrase "In all cases, the message relates to issue 2." is wrong.
The first example is related to issue 1 ("Subject: Re: [issue1] the coffee
machine is broken! [priority=urgent]").

Date User Action Args
2009-11-17 20:49:43radiokingsetmessageid: <>
2009-11-17 20:49:43radiokingsetrecipients: + radioking
2009-11-17 20:49:43radiokinglinkissue2550607 messages
2009-11-17 20:49:41radiokingcreate