Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author radioking
Recipients ber, radioking, richard, schlatterbeck
Date 2010-01-07.16:53:15
Message-id <>
I'm afraid issue2550595 won't help me much as I am upgrading from 1.3.3
only. The patch mentioned is for a lot earlier versions.

Whenever there are these warnings during installation, the version
number reported by roundup-admin -v or roundup-server -v does not
improve to the version number currently installed:

*** SOURCE WARNING: There are files missing (279/285 found)!
Missing: roundup-admin
Missing: roundup-demo
Missing: roundup-gettext
Missing: roundup-mailgw
Missing: roundup-server
Missing: roundup-xmlrpc-server

I think I get into trouble here because

roundup-admin migrate

will therefore remain in state of version 1.4.2 for these versions.
Is this a problem? Will there be migrations omitted because of the old
roundup-admin version?
Date User Action Args
2010-01-07 16:53:16radiokingsetmessageid: <>
2010-01-07 16:53:16radiokingsetrecipients: + radioking, richard, schlatterbeck, ber
2010-01-07 16:53:16radiokinglinkissue2550620 messages
2010-01-07 16:53:15radiokingcreate