Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author radioking
Recipients radioking
Date 2010-01-12.19:46:12
Message-id <>
It would be great to have a button that un-removes messages that have
been removed from an issue.

There is already a button to remove msgs from issues.
The same button (appearance, place) could be used with modified
buttontext and modified behaviour.

Buttontext could read "restore" in English and "wiederherstellen" or
"einblenden" in German.
Date User Action Args
2010-01-12 19:46:13radiokingsetmessageid: <>
2010-01-12 19:46:13radiokingsetrecipients: + radioking
2010-01-12 19:46:12radiokinglinkissue2550630 messages
2010-01-12 19:46:12radiokingcreate