Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author jerrykan
Recipients jerrykan, schlatterbeck
Date 2011-01-11.02:06:38
Message-id <>
Hello Ralf,

I haven't had a chance to play with the new changes, but at a quick
glance it seems to be a good solution and one I am happy with (it would
only require a few minor changes to my existing script). If I happen to
notice anything else down the track, I can always create a new issue. So
I would consider this issue "done" and thanks for helping to get the
changes committed.

Date User Action Args
2011-01-11 02:06:38jerrykansetmessageid: <>
2011-01-11 02:06:38jerrykansetrecipients: + jerrykan, schlatterbeck
2011-01-11 02:06:38jerrykanlinkissue2550576 messages
2011-01-11 02:06:38jerrykancreate