Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author schlatterbeck
Recipients ber, schlatterbeck, tonimueller
Date 2011-04-15.09:43:32
Message-id <>
In-reply-to <>
On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 09:40:37AM +0200, Bernhard Reiter wrote:
> Does anyone rely on the hostname=None default?
> Do people conciously set or use the umask for the user that runs 
> roundup-server?
> I am asking because the suggested patch in 
> does wo things:
> a) It changes the hostname default to "localhost", which I believe is 
> sensible. But I want to know if I need to add something to the upgrading 
> documentation. I suspect that people are not relying on this.

As far as I understand the first part of this patch, this changes the
listening behaviour of roundup-server to per default listen only on

This seems to follow the (sometimes annoying) behaviour of Debian to
close down the default configuration of all servers to listen only on
localhost. So I don't think I want to apply this in the current form. It
should still be easy to listen on all interfaces (thats what many people
want) and we can discuss if 'localhost' is a sane default (I don't think
the current main use-case of roundup is that all clients access the
server on localhost!). At least that means that almost all users will
either have to add an explicit option to roundup-server or add (and
configure) a server.ini file.

And it breaks the documentation for the option of listening on *all*
network interfaces (which is the current default). First I thought that
it breaks the possibility to listen on all network interfaces but it
probably still works to explicitly configure an empty string for "host"
or explicitly call
roundup-server -h ''
when starting the roundup server. But I don't think we want to have this
new default option because it breaks the default behaviour for most

The new documentation for this option
"If empty, listen on localhost only."
is misleading. If the option is left unconfigured (nothing after the '=')
we have 'localhost'. If the option is explicitly set to an empty string,
we are listening on all interfaces. Not very intuitive to say the least.

So I suggest that Debian ship their default configuration of
roundup-server with this option set to 'localhost' in a debian-specific
server.ini file for roundup-server. The /etc/init.d script for
roundup-server should probably use the -C option to specify a
config-file for roundup-server. This file should probably be located in
/etc/default/roundup-server or so. That way not all users are forced to
upgrade their current installation... and Debian can keep their policy
and make it easy for users to still get a working configuration under
Debian (which does listen on more than localhost :-)

Concerning the doc-consistency fix of that patch, this should definitely
go in...

Dr. Ralf Schlatterbeck                  Tel:   +43/2243/26465-16
Open Source Consulting                  www:
Reichergasse 131, A-3411 Weidling       email:
osAlliance member                       email:
Date User Action Args
2011-04-15 09:43:33schlatterbecksetrecipients: + schlatterbeck, tonimueller
2011-04-15 09:43:33schlatterbecklinkissue2550693 messages
2011-04-15 09:43:32schlatterbeckcreate