Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author telsch
Recipients telsch
Date 2012-01-30.15:43:24
Message-id <>
When we try to reindex our roundup instance we get the error 'MySql
Server has gone away (2006)'
We found a quick fix, if we set in the configuration from mysql:
    max_allowed_packet = 1M

the 'max_allowed_packet' value from '1M' to '64M'

i hope it is possible to reduce the transaction size, so we don't have
to configure the mysql for the roundup reindex.
Date User Action Args
2012-01-30 15:43:25telschsetrecipients: + telsch
2012-01-30 15:43:25telschsetmessageid: <>
2012-01-30 15:43:25telschlinkissue2550743 messages
2012-01-30 15:43:24telschcreate