Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author ced
Recipients bruce, ced, wolever
Date 2012-02-29.14:18:12
Message-id <>
I just increase it on our instance to 5000 because users complains about
missing result in the text search.
Indeed as others indexers don't have such limit, I think xapian should
also not have a limit. I read the xapian doc but I did not find how to
fetch all the result without limit.
Date User Action Args
2012-02-29 14:18:13cedsetmessageid: <>
2012-02-29 14:18:13cedsetrecipients: + ced, bruce, wolever
2012-02-29 14:18:13cedlinkissue2550635 messages
2012-02-29 14:18:12cedcreate