Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author lu_zero
Recipients ber, lu_zero
Date 2012-08-21.15:39:23
Message-id <>
In-reply-to <>
On 8/21/12 3:40 PM, Bernhard Reiter wrote:
> Bernhard Reiter added the comment:
> Thanks again for the feedback.
> What is intersting is that we are using roundup with many more issues
> and users, which makes me believe there may be something different
> to your setup.

I hope so, it was an old 1.4 updated till 1.4.12

> As towards database connector and template engine:
> * Roundup predates a number of "modern" pythonic database layers
> and it was already discussed if we wanted to give up this flexibility
> which we have now, as it seems to be basically working (of course not
> counting your crawling experience).

I can iterate as many time that the root problem is the schema being 
unfit for large number of users (1646) and large number of users in 
specific roles (the whole security check involves a number of ill 
conceived python mediated "join" between tables).

That means for a quasi-stock setup in order to populate a normal issue 
you end up going over that table a number of time and doing that on 
python while computing the template (e.g. to have a list of developers)

> * Since roundup 1.4.20 there is _experimental_ support for Chameleon.

Date User Action Args
2012-08-21 15:39:24lu_zerosetrecipients: + lu_zero, ber
2012-08-21 15:39:24lu_zerolinkissue2550702 messages
2012-08-21 15:39:23lu_zerocreate