Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author jerrykan
Recipients jerrykan, kai
Date 2012-09-30.09:43:11
Message-id <>
Hello Kai,

The first part of the patch (regenerate the html version of the docs)
looks good to me. It looks like the rst2html stuff is no longer
relevant, so removing the Makefile and updating the README.txt makes
sense. I would be happy to commit that part of the patch as it is, but I
will wait a few more days to see if anyone else has anything to add.

I think the part to do with the 'website/www' is a good start, but might
need a bit more work before committing the changes:

 - Creating a symlink for 'COPYING.txt' makes the error go away, but the
link in 'license.txt' to 'COPYING.txt' doesn't actually show up in the
generated html (so this should probably be fixed as well).

 - I'm not sure if the 'COPYING.txt' file was intended to be processed
by Sphinx, so it might be worth seeing if 'make' can skip processing the
file but still link to it as a plain text file.

 - During the 'make clean' command, if we are leaving the 'html/'
directory in place then we probably want to leave the 'COPYING.txt' file
in place as well; seeing as though it will be linked too (ie. delete
only the intermediate files). Alternatively if we want to remove the
'COPYING.txt' file we should also remove the 'html/' directory (ie.
delete all generated files). I'm not sure which is the convention for
'make clean' (delete all generated files or just intermediate files)

On a semi-related note, personally I would also split this up into two
separate patches/issues (ie. one patch/commit per fix). This isn't
necessarily a convention of the project, but I find much easier to
review small concise patches, and I'm more likely to commit changes if
it doesn't take a lot of effort on my part :D
Date User Action Args
2012-09-30 09:43:13jerrykansetmessageid: <>
2012-09-30 09:43:13jerrykansetrecipients: + jerrykan, kai
2012-09-30 09:43:13jerrykanlinkissue2550774 messages
2012-09-30 09:43:12jerrykancreate