Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author ber
Recipients ber, jerrykan, kai
Date 2012-12-14.07:56:20
Message-id <>
John wrote (on -devel) that he is going to clean up here a little bit
and commit for the next release, which is cool!

He also wrote:
> I will try to clean it up a bit and commit it in the coming days. If
> someone with a bit of knowledge about sphinx wants to comment on how
> best to fix the referencing of the COPYING.txt file/text it would be
> appreciated.

Last time I looked at it, the issue was that there were two places
the stuff was build from. I agree we should make both of them sphinx.
Date User Action Args
2012-12-14 07:56:21bersetmessageid: <>
2012-12-14 07:56:21bersetrecipients: + ber, kai, jerrykan
2012-12-14 07:56:21berlinkissue2550774 messages
2012-12-14 07:56:20bercreate