Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author rouilj
Recipients, rouilj
Date 2013-01-23.20:28:26
Message-id <>
In-reply-to Your message of "Wed, 23 Jan 2013 18:22:19 GMT." <> <>
In message <> 
David Hancock writes:
>New submission from David Hancock:
>(not sure what Type rfe is, sorry).

Request For Enhancement (i.e. new feature request).

> We have a tracker with about 3,000 "custcomp" (customer company)
> entries and about 35,000 issues overall. The issue.item.html
> for creating or modifying an issue loads in about 1 second, 
> but the takes 9 seconds. Most of that time is
> in rendering the custcomp pulldown for searching.
>I'd like to know how to either make this faster or replace the search
>retrieval with the item retrieval.
>In issue.item.html, the following is the line of interest:
><td tal:content="structure context/custcomp/menu">custcomp</td>
>And the corresponding section of is:
><tr tal:define="name string:custcomp;                                       
>                db_klass string:custcomp;                                   
>                db_content string:name;">
>  <th>Company:</th>
>  <td metal:use-macro="search_select"></td>
>  <td metal:use-macro="column_input"></td>
>  <td metal:use-macro="sort_input"></td>
>  <td metal:use-macro="group_input"></td>
>If I simply replace search_select line with the context/custcomp/menu line,
>the select list renders very fast, but of course then the search doesn't
> work.

One thing to look at is to see what the html generated with the
original template and the modified template look like.

That may give an indication of what component is missing that stops
the two from being tied together. Then you can use actual html rather
than the macros to replicate the original components.
Date User Action Args
2013-01-23 20:28:27rouiljsetrecipients: + rouilj,
2013-01-23 20:28:27rouiljlinkissue2550790 messages
2013-01-23 20:28:26rouiljcreate