Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author rouilj
Recipients admin, ber, rouilj, schlatterbeck, tekberg
Date 2013-03-22.18:26:18
Message-id <>
In-reply-to Your message of "Fri, 22 Mar 2013 18:05:31 -0000." <> <>
In message <>
Tom Ekberg writes:

>New submission from Tom Ekberg:
>I'm the tracker admin for our group. When people reply to NOSY email 
>using their favorite mailer, the mail gets sent 'To' the roundup admin, 
>me. The 'Reply-To' email attribute should be set to the author of the 

I can't look at the patch at the moment but going from what you wrote

  The reply to address should be set to the email address of the
  tracker, so the reply goes back to the tracker and is recorded on the

Are you using the email gateway to access your tracker?  If not, then
I am not sure how this should be done. Setting it to the email address
registered to the user seems wrong somehow for a couple of reasons:

  1) it exposes the user's email address (a big deal at some sites)
  2) it doesn't record the response with the issue as it should

the admin address should be used as the email envelope address since
that is where bounces etc. are sent IIRC. But having the admin address
listed as the from header or reply-to header is broken and I don't
see that replicated on my test tracker.

>Attached is a fixed version. A summary of the diff is:
>*** 524,537 **** --- 524,537 ----
>Set 'In-Reply-To' to the tracker name since it may be useful. Changed 
>'Reply-To' to the author, or the from_address as a fallback.

If you aren't using the mail gateway, I claim the responses to the
email should bounce and the user will have to use the web interface to
respond. Having the author in the reply to sets up a channel for
correspondence that is not recorded by the tracker.

Also the in-reply-to header should be set to the message id if it's a
reply to another message so that threading works right. IIRC the msg
object creates/records the message ids so threading will work.

>*** 558,574 **** --- 558,563 ----
>Removed the 'In-Reply-To' since it is duplicate due the above change.
>*** 623,632 **** --- 612,617 ----
>Removed duplicate message attributes. To verify I looked at the raw NOSY 
>message to make sure that there were no duplicates, and the needed 
>attributes were present.
Date User Action Args
2013-03-22 18:26:18rouiljsetrecipients: + rouilj, admin, schlatterbeck, ber, tekberg
2013-03-22 18:26:18rouiljlinkissue2550803 messages
2013-03-22 18:26:18rouiljcreate