Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author tekberg
Recipients admin, ber, rouilj, schlatterbeck, tekberg
Date 2013-03-22.19:12:26
Message-id <>
I talked to the person who initially installed the first roundup on one 
of our systems. He said he was aware of the possibility of having a NOSY 
reply get inserted into an issue's messages, but opted out. The reason 
was that people add lots of cruft to their email: the repeated history 
of replies and confidentiality notices that aren't germane to the issue.

I understand the concern about exposing the author's email in a large 

Perhaps another [mail] or [nosy] config option could be added to allow 
the Reply-To to go to the author or roundup?

If you agree with this compromise I'll work on it and attach my result 
to this issue.
Date User Action Args
2013-03-22 19:12:26tekbergsetmessageid: <>
2013-03-22 19:12:26tekbergsetrecipients: + tekberg, admin, schlatterbeck, ber, rouilj
2013-03-22 19:12:26tekberglinkissue2550803 messages
2013-03-22 19:12:26tekbergcreate