Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author rouilj
Recipients ber, rouilj, schlatterbeck
Date 2013-04-25.20:09:54
Message-id <>
> Seems you've already implemented this?

Yes. I was opening tickets for work I have done so that I can
commit the work.

This work was done to the roundup core as part of the
(re)development of my sysadmin tracker.

The tri-value support is a little incomplete (e.g. should there
be an option to move unknown after yes/no it currently is before),
but until I have a more complete use case(s) for it, it can stay as

-- rouilj
Date User Action Args
2013-04-25 20:09:54rouiljsetmessageid: <>
2013-04-25 20:09:54rouiljsetrecipients: + rouilj, schlatterbeck, ber
2013-04-25 20:09:54rouiljlinkissue2550808 messages
2013-04-25 20:09:54rouiljcreate