Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author tekberg
Recipients tekberg
Date 2014-01-13.16:03:21
Message-id <>
I migrated one of our trackers from a host that used sqlite to store 
tracker data to a new host that uses postgres. We have a number of 
keywords for issues. Some of those keywords we like to have at the top of 
the list. To accomplish this, those keywords were prepended with the '*' 
character. For example, '*Monthly Maintenance'. That worked fine in the 
old host. In the new host it ignores the '*' and which causes the '*' 
keywords to not appear at the top of the list. I tried several other 
special characters to no avail.

I suspect that the problem is with postgres because the following query

select * from _keyword where __retired__=0 order by _name;

ignores the '*' character prepended to some keyword names. In sqlite the 
'*' keywords are ordered at the top of the result set.
Date User Action Args
2014-01-13 16:03:22tekbergsetrecipients: + tekberg
2014-01-13 16:03:22tekbergsetmessageid: <>
2014-01-13 16:03:22tekberglinkissue2550829 messages
2014-01-13 16:03:21tekbergcreate