Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author ThomasAH
Recipients ThomasAH, tekberg
Date 2014-01-14.15:40:08
Message-id <>

The locale settings influence the following SQL features:
- Sort order in queries using ORDER BY or the standard comparison
operators on textual data


Check that PostgreSQL is actually using the locale that you think it is.
The LC_COLLATE and LC_CTYPE settings are determined when a database is
created, and cannot be changed except by creating a new database.

So I assume this is not a bug in roundup or sqlite, but standard behaviour.

OK to close this?
Date User Action Args
2014-01-14 15:40:09ThomasAHsetmessageid: <>
2014-01-14 15:40:09ThomasAHsetrecipients: + ThomasAH, tekberg
2014-01-14 15:40:09ThomasAHlinkissue2550829 messages
2014-01-14 15:40:08ThomasAHcreate