Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author jerrykan
Recipients jerrykan
Date 2014-05-05.07:25:35
Message-id <>
The script assumes it is being run from the top-level project
directory with all filenames relative to that location. This may not
always be the case.

Attached is a patch that ensure the working directory is changed so that
the relative filename locations will work no mater where the
script is invoked from.

I have avoid commit this patch directly in case others believe it is too
hackish and the relative filenames should actually be fixed.
Date User Action Args
2014-05-05 07:25:36jerrykansetrecipients: + jerrykan
2014-05-05 07:25:36jerrykansetmessageid: <>
2014-05-05 07:25:36jerrykanlinkissue2550842 messages
2014-05-05 07:25:36jerrykancreate